Welcome to Skill Capped’s Guide on the Best PvP Talents for Elemental Shamans in Cataclysm
All sections for Elemental Shaman PvP have been divided into corresponding sections for the most optimal race, talents, glyphs, gear, professions and macros. This will help you have a good understanding on Elemental Shaman in PvP for Cataclysm, the strengths and weaknesses associated with this specialization, and help you conquer the arena. This section will show you what are the best PvP Elemental Shaman talents in Cataclysm Season 9 and why you should choose them.
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Best Elemental Shaman PvP Talents
Elemental Shaman only offers one unique build that is viable, with a few optional talents that can be selected for competitive PvP combat. Let’s look into those core talents chosen, and ones that are flexible based on your currently played composition.

These will be our default core talents that Elemental Shamans will typically use on most matchups. This is due to Elemental Shamans feeling lackluster in their defensive toolkit, resulting in choosing talents from the Restoration Tree for more direct healing and battlemaster-like mechanics.
Make sure to apply 31 talent points onto the Elemental talent tree before placing talents in other trees.
First off, It’s important to know that Elemental is more of a burst reliant class that requires a bit of ramping before releasing its unpredictable setups. Let’s start breaking down the core talents chosen in more detail so you can optimize your playstyle in Cataclysm Classic.
- Rolling Thunder allows Ele Shamans to generate more Lightning Shield charges from their Lightning Bolt. This is how they will fish up as many stacks as possible until consuming them with Fulmination and Earth Shock.
- Fulmination consumes extra Lightning Shield stacks after using Earth Shock. Anything past 3 stacks will be counted as a surplus, and is prioritized to receive 9 stacks before releasing your direct burst with Earth Shock.
- Elemental Oath and Elemental Focus have synergistic properties when dealing damage. If any direct damaging spell crits, you gain Clearcasting to reduce mana spent on your next 2 spells, and will give you increased spell damage. Take note that while Clearcasting is active, your team will also have increased Critical Strike chance on their spells.
- Lava Surge makes your Flame Shock periodic damaging ticks have a chance to reset your Lava Burst cooldown.
- Lava Flows modifies your crit damage on Lava Burst, and makes your periodic damage from Flame Shock hit harder. Also, you have indirect spell protection from Flame Shock, as this will grant you a massive Spell Haste increase once dispelled.
- Elemental Mastery is your strongest offensive cooldown, as this makes one of your primary casted damaging spells instant cast, increases your damage while active, and gives increased Spell Haste. You will mainly use your instant cast spell on Lava Burst for the most optimal single target damage on your target.
Now, let’s turn our attention to the talents chosen in the Restoration Tree. These will strengthen our defensive toolkit, making it more difficult to take Elemental Shamans down.
- Nature’s Guardian is more of a quality of life enhancement when low. This will grant Ele Shamans some additional Health to enhance their survivability, similar to an automatic Battlemaster to help their healer with recovery.
- Spark of Life increases their healing received by 15%.
- Ancestral Resolve reduces damage taken while casting by 10%.
Optional Elemental Shaman PvP Talents

If you want to increase your damage output and stronger mobility with Ghost Wolf, you can choose to remove Nature’s Guardian and Spark of Life for Improved Shields and Ancestral Swiftness.
- Improved Shields will make your Lightning Shield deal more damage on melee targets when they are attacking you.
- Ancestral Swiftness makes your Ghost Wolf instant cast and have increased passive movement speed, allowing you to immediately enhance your mobility when kiting away from danger, or to encroach onto your opponent.