HomeClass GuideBest Glyphs for Elemental Shamans - Cataclysm PvP Guide

Best Glyphs for Elemental Shamans – Cataclysm PvP Guide

Welcome to Skill Capped’s Guide on the Best Glyphs for Elemental Shamans in Cataclysm

All sections for Elemental Shaman PvP have been divided into corresponding sections for the most optimal race, talents, glyphs, gear, professions and macros. This will help you have a good understanding on Elemental Shaman in PvP for Cataclysm, the strengths and weaknesses associated with this specialization, and help you conquer the arena. This section will give you the best PvP glyphs available for Elemental Shaman in Cataclysm Season 9.

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Table of Contents

Best Elemental Shaman PvP Glyphs

The glyph system has changed quite a bit in Cataclysm as opposed to Wrath of the Lich King. All glyph scrolls that have been learned are now permanent glyphs that can be placed inside major and minor glyph slots, and there are 3 additional prime glyph slots included with the major and minor glyphs. Vanishing powder will be needed to swap out those glyphs. Those will be handy, since some glyphs may be swapped depending on a certain arena matchup.

Prime Glyphs

These three prime glyphs provided below are your primary glyphs within your prime glyph slots. These glyphs are set in stone, and offer no flexible options.

Glyph of Flame Shock makes your Flame Shocks last longer on any target, which helps you make more efficient decisions with your globals and spells. Having a longer duration on Flame Shock will increase the opportunity for Lava Surge to reset your Lava Burst cooldown.

Glyph of Lava Burst gives a flat damage increase to our primary casted damaging spells, Lava Burst.

Glyph of Unleashed Lightning is a great quality of life enhancement to how Ele Shamans can deal damage, as this will allow you to cast Lightning Bolt while moving.

Major Glyphs

These three major glyphs in the first row will be your primary glyphs within your major glyph slots. Glyph of Hex is your only flexible glyph that can be swapped out for either Glyph of Healing Stream or Glyph of Elemental Mastery, depending on your preference.

Glyph of Stoneclaw places an absorb shield on your character, increasing your survivability when placing down a Stoneclaw Totem. This can save you during crucial moments.

Glyph of Hex provides a cooldown reduction on Hex, allowing to you land more Hexes on healers, or on targets with a curse dispel to prevent this Crowd Control effect from being removed.

Glyph of Thunder provides a cooldown reduction on Thunderstorm. More knockbacks from this ability can result in enemy players having less uptime on their target, or end up in an awkward position, especially on Z-axis maps like Blade’s Edge Arena.

Glyph of Healing Stream gives a nice, quality of life, resistance buff for you and your allies when Healing Stream Totem is placed. This can be valuable to choose from if you are playing a composition that does not have a resistance aura or buff, as there may be some players that enter the arena without that important Spell Penetration requirement.

Glyph of Elemental Mastery helps out with Elemental Shaman survivability, as this makes your major offensive react as a defensive. If you want some extra protection to help you play more aggressive with your cooldowns, this could be a great addition to your arsenal.

Minor Glyphs

Even though minor glyphs do not greatly enhance the performance for Elemental Shaman, there are 3 minor glyphs provided below that can be used in your minor glyph slots. These have no effect on an arena match. These glyphs can be changed based on your preference, but we have selected our default minor glyphs as Glyph of Renewed Life, Glyph of Waterwalking, and Glyph of Water Breathing.