Welcome to Skill Capped’s Guide on the Best PvP Talents for Unholy Death Knights in Cataclysm
All sections for Unholy Death Knight PvP have been divided into corresponding sections for the most optimal race, talents, glyphs, gear, professions and macros. This will help you have a good understanding on Unholy Death Knight in PvP for Cataclysm, the strengths and weaknesses associated with this specialization, and help you conquer the arena. This section will show you what are the best PvP Unholy Death Knight talents in Cataclysm Season 9 and why you should choose them.
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Best Unholy Death Knight PvP Talents
Unholy Death Knight offers the selection of multiple builds, both of which have their own unique strengths when used in arena combat. Depending on your preference, here are the talent builds you should choose from as an Unholy Death Knight in Cataclysm Season 9.
Scourge Strike Build
If you want to play a build that is more focused around Scourge Strike, then we recommend playing these talents given here:

If you want to have more on-demand damage during your damage windows, this talent build is the best for you. Instead of prioritizing Necrotic Strike for healing absorption on your enemy targets, your Scourge Strike will be given higher throughput throughout the game. Let’s take a look and explain what makes Scourge Strike have such high burst damage with this build.
Rage of Rivendare increases your Scourge Strike damage by 45%. Pairing this talent with Dark Transformation or Unholy Frenzy offers substantial burst damage, especially when using these cooldowns during a coordinated CC chain using Strangulate or Mind Freeze as an interrupt.
There are still important moments when you should be using Necrotic Strike in arena, and is beneficial to use on your kill targets when healers are CCd as well as to snapshot Attack Power buffs. This creates more pressure on healers coming out of CC since they have to provide more throughput healing, and by using Mind Freeze as an interrupt during this window makes Death Knight pressure more intense for the enemy team.

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Necrotic Strike Build
If you want to play a build that is more focused around Necrotic Strike, then we recommend playing these talents given here:

This build allows Unholy Death Knights to have increased healing absorptions from their Necrotic Strike onto enemy players. This is due to Necrotic Strike scaling from Attack Power. The more Attack Power you have, the larger your Necrotic Strike absorptions are on players. Let’s take a look and explain what makes this build have additional Attack Power for your Necrotic Strikes.
Bladed Armor gives additional Attack Power depending on how much armor value you have. This talent build can be beneficial when playing compositions that involve DoT focused classes, Shadow Priests or Affliction Warlocks, to dwindle down your opponents and increase pressure on enemy healers when it comes to healing throughput.
Optional Unholy Death Knight PvP Talents

We can adjust the talents, Endless Winter and Sudden Doom, for Mind Freeze cost reduction and Death Coil procs respectively. If you need to guarantee an interrupt on specific spells throughout an arena game, you can swap out one talent point from Sudden Doom and add that point to Endless Winter. If you need more throughput and instant damage, swap out one talent point from Endless Winter and add that point to Sudden Doom. As these talents are situational depending on the composition you are facing, there is no right or wrong answer for where you decide to place these talents in your talent tree.