Welcome to Skill Capped’s Guide on the Best Macros for Unholy Death Knights in Cataclysm
All sections for Unholy Death Knight PvP have been divided into corresponding sections for the most optimal race, talents, glyphs, gear, professions and macros. This will help you have a good understanding on Unholy Death Knight in PvP for Cataclysm, the strengths and weaknesses associated with this specialization, and help you conquer the arena. This section will guide you through all important macros for Unholy Death Knight that will enhance and optimize your gameplay to the fullest potential.
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Table of Contents
Focus Macros
First off, you will want to use these focus macros to optimize your gameplay. These will be used for controlling and stopping your enemies quicker and smoother.
Death Grip
/cast [@focus] Death Grip
Chains of Ice
/cast [@focus] Chains of Ice
Dark Simulacrum
/cast [@focus] Dark Simulacrum
/cast [@focus] Strangulate
Arena (1,2,3) Macros
Arena 1-2-3 macros will optimize your speed the most when you use abilities on enemy players. As long as you have the keybind space for these macros, it is recommended to include and use these macros in PvP content.
Death Grip
/cast [@arena1] Death Grip
/cast [@arena2] Death Grip
/cast [@arena3] Death Grip
Chains of Ice
/cast [@arena1] Chains of Ice
/cast [@arena2] Chains of Ice
/cast [@arena3] Chains of Ice
Dark Simulacrum
/cast [@arena1] Dark Simulacrum
/cast [@arena2] Dark Simulacrum
/cast [@arena3] Dark Simulacrum
/cast [@arena1] Strangulate
/cast [@arena2] Strangulate
/cast [@arena3] Strangulate

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Dark Simulacrum Macro
This macro will allow you to cast Dark Simulacrum on your focus target, as well as recasting the stolen spell from Dark Simulacrum to the focus target. This will enhance your gameplay when CCing enemy players with stolen spells.
Dark Simulacrum
#showtooltips Dark Simulacrum
/cast [target=focus] Dark Simulacrum
/cast [target=focus] Cyclone
/cast [target=focus] Polymorph
/cast [target=focus] hex
/cast [target=focus] hammer of justice
/cast [target=focus] fear
Pet Stun Macros
These two macros are important for minmaxxing the timing of Gnaw, and involves switching between pet auto cast on and off for your Claw ability. In order to guarantee the timing of Gnaw directly after you press the macro, the first macro removes pet auto cast on Claw to prevent your pet from using an additional global cooldown. Make sure after you have used Gnaw on a target to press the second macro to re-enable auto casting on Claw.
Gnaw Macro
#showtooltip gnaw
/petautocastoff claw
/cast gnaw
Petattack / Re-Enable Claw Macro
#showtooltip Gnaw
/petautocaston claw
Pet Macros
These Pet macros will allow you to cast a spell only if the pet is still alive. If your ghoul pet is dead, it will prioritize a global to resummon your ghoul pet and can be pressed again to activate that specific ability. The Death Pact macro with paired with Healthstone due to Warlocks pairing well with Death Knights as a rot composition. Death Pact is your strongest self-heal for DKs after consuming your pet and will be used during crucial moments to increase your survivability.
Dark Transformation Macro
#showtooltip Raise Dead
/use [nopet] Raise Dead; !Dark Transformation
Death Pact Macro
#showtooltip Death Pact
/use [nopet] Raise Dead; !Death Pact
/use Healthstone
Blood Tap Macros
Pairing your primary utility buttons, such as Strangulate and Anti-Magic Zone, with Blood Tap to guarantee a free Death Rune. Using these macros makes sure these abilities will be usable without having to wait for a rune to generate.
Blood Tap + Strangulate
#showtooltip Strangulate
/cast Blood Tap
/cast Strangulate
Blood Tap + Anti-Magic Zone
#showtooltip Anti-Magic Zone
/cast Blood Tap
/cast Anti-Magic Zone
Damage Macros
These macros allow for the highest optimization of your damage throughput using a snapshot of primary stats from your trinkets. This gets applied to your summoned pets, such as Gargoyle. If you aren’t human make sure to adjust the first macro by including one trinket slot instead of both. The second and third macro allows you to put Unholy Frenzy on your friendly party members, which can be used to increase your DPS teammate’s haste during burst cooldowns or placed on your healer to break CC.
Summon Gargoyle Macro
#showtooltip Summon Gargoyle
/use 13
/use 14
/use Summon Gargoyle
Unholy Frenzy Macros
/cast [@party1] Unholy Frenzy
/cast [@party2] Unholy Frenzy