Welcome to Skill-Capped’s Restoration Shaman PvP Guide for Cataclysm
All sections for Restoration Shaman PvP have been divided into corresponding sections for the most optimal race, talents, glyphs, gear, professions and macros. This will help you have a good understanding on Restoration Shaman in PvP for Cataclysm, the strengths and weaknesses associated with this specialization, and help you conquer the arena. This section will give a brief overview of Restoration Shaman in PvP for Cataclysm Season 9.
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Why Restoration Shaman?
Restoration Shaman is one of the strongest healer specializations in the game throughout the Cataclysm expansion. Shaman has an exceptional toolkit for control, sustained healing, team utility, and defensives, making this specialization stand out from others.
Starting with their control, Restoration Shamans have Hex, Wind Shear, Earthbind Totem, and Frost Shock. Wind Shear assists with team control, preventing Crowd Control spells from successfully landing on friendly targets. Having an additional interrupt helps Shamans stabilize their team and keep their teammates healthy throughout an arena game. Wind Shear also synergizes with Hex, as Hex can be used for follow up Crowd Control if the opponent can’t stop a Shaman’s casted spells. This is especially effective against Mages when interrupting their Arcane tree, preventing them from stopping casts temporarily.
Earthbind Totem and Frost Shock are extremely valuable snares that will allow allies to either maintain uptime on their current target, or to connect to another target to apply Crowd Control. Restoration Shamans utilize Frost Shock since most talents chosen synergize with Shock spells. This involves using Earth Shock and Flame Shock to receive benefit on Focused Insight.
Next, Restoration Shaman’s healing rotation consists of Earth Shield, Riptide, Healing Wave, and Healing Surge. Earth Shield is their strongest healing buff when applied on a target. This is due to the amount of healing modifiers applied to Earth Shield from the talents, Improved Shields and Nature’s Blessing. Riptide is another valuable healing ability to use, not only for the HoT effect it applies on a target, but to gain value out of the talent, Tidal Waves. Having this allows for faster casts on Healing Wave, and grants a Critical Strike modifer on Healing Surge. Lastly, having Nature’s Swiftness grants the opportunity to shift the current state of an arena match, providing the opportunity to use a massive heal on friendly targets, or to apply instant Crowd Control.
This specialization provides massive team utility and defensives, which includes Grounding Totem, Tremor Totem, Ghost Wolf, and Spirit Link Totem to keep teammates aggressive and to prevent any incoming Crowd Control that may land on them. Ghost Wolf is essential, as this is one of Restoration Shaman’s most valuable spells to escape situations easier and to reduce any incoming damage. This is exceptionally helpful against melee specializations. Spirit Link Totem is undoubtedly Restoration Shaman’s best defensive spell, as it spreads out all friendly Health Pools evenly when players are inside the Spirit Link’s radius.
For compositions, Restoration Shaman has a variety of classes that work well with them in Cataclysm, making them very versatile out of most specializations in the game. The best specializations to play with are Marksmanship Hunters, Subtlety Rogues , Shadow Priests, and Affliction Warlocks in 3v3. Cataclysm also brings a complete rework to healer dispels. All dispels remove a magical debuff effect off your teammate, a drastic change to specific classes having a magic debuff dispel.

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