Welcome to Skill Capped’s Guide on the Best PvP Talents for Fire Mages in Cataclysm
All sections for Fire Mage PvP have been divided into corresponding sections for the most optimal race, talents, glyphs, gear, professions and macros. This will help you have a good understanding on Fire Mage in PvP for Cataclysm, the strengths and weaknesses associated with this specialization, and help you conquer the arena. This section will show you what are the best PvP Fire Mage talents in Cataclysm Season 9 and why you should choose them.
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Best Fire Mage PvP Talents

These will be your default talents for the damage build as Fire Mage in Cataclysm Season 9. As you may be confused by the selection of these talents, let’s look further into why these talents are chosen.
Looking at the Fire tree, there are talents chosen that assist with defensive control, utility, and offensive pressure.
Blast Wave gives Fire Mages more defensive output when avoiding melee specializations, or to have an extra method of stopping enemy casts.
Impact assists with Fire Mage control. This grants a chance from Fire damaging spells to reset Fire Blast and make their next Fire Blast a miniature stun. This talent also spreads Fire DoT damage to nearby targets after the Impact stun has been used.
Blazing Speed, paired with Molten Shields, allowing Mages to break free from any snare applied to their character with additional movement speed when procced.
Combustion enacts as an additional damage DoT that will spread additional Fire damage on nearby enemies.
For Combustion, its important to make sure you get immense value out of this spell from rotation management, meaning that Mages need to use Shatter as often as they can from Frost Nova with Fire Blast, Scorch, Fireball, and Pyroblast, to increase their Fire DoT damage as much as possible. Living Bomb, Pyroblast DoT, and Ignite influences the amount of damage Combustion will do to your targets.
Now, it is important to look at the Arcane and Frost trees and show which talents assist in your performance as a Fire Mage in Cataclysm Classic.
Improved Counterspell for the silence effect when using Counterspell on your enemy. This can help you with saving your team, and to assist in scoring kills on your enemies.
Shatter allows us to increase our Fire DoT damage on our opponents.
Improved Cone of Cold offers additional methods for Shatter.

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Flexible Fire Mage PvP Talents

If you plan on facing melee cleaves, making the talent change from Molten Fury to two talent points in Improved Flamestrike will provide additional DoT and direct damage to stacked targets. This talent change will make your Flamestrike instant cast, as well as applying an additional Flamestrike when Blast Wave affects two or more enemies. Due to this talent being valuable in specific scenarios, it is preferred to choose the Molten Fury talent, as this will consistently increase your damage output regardless of what composition you will be facing.