Welcome to Skill Capped’s Guide on the Best Macros for Arms Warriors in Cataclysm
All sections for Arms Warrior PvP have been divided into corresponding sections for the most optimal race, talents, glyphs, gear, professions and macros. This will help you have a good understanding on Arms Warrior in PvP for Cataclysm, the strengths and weaknesses associated with this specialization, and help you conquer the arena. This section will guide you through all important macros for Arms Warrior that will enhance and optimize your gameplay to the fullest potential.
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Table of Contents
Focus Macros
First off, you will want to use these focus macros to optimize your gameplay. These will be used for controlling and stopping your enemies quicker and smoother.
#showtooltip Pummel
/cancelaura bladestorm
/cancelaura hand of protection
/cast [target=focus] Pummel
Intimidating Shout
#showtooltip Intimidating Shout
/cast [target=focus]Intimidating Shout
/cast [@focus] Throwdown
Heroic Throw
/cast [@focus] Heroic Throw

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Damage Macros
These damage macros are essential for fluid gameplay for your most important offensive cooldowns. This consists of macros for Inner Rage, Bladestorm, Deadly Calm, and Recklessness.
#showtooltip Bladestorm
/cast Sweeping Strikes
/cast Bladestorm
Deadly Calm & PvP Trinket
/cast Deadly Calm
/use Vicious Gladiator's Badge of Victory
Recklessness & Inner Rage
#showtooltip Recklessness
/cancelaura Bladestorm
/cast Recklessness
/use Vicious Gladiator's Badge of Victory
/cast Inner Rage
Intervene Macros
These macros will allow you to apply Intervene on your teammates without having to target them directly.
/cast [target=party1] intervene
/cast defensive stance
/cancelaura hand of protection
/cast [target=party2] intervene
/cast defensive stance
/cancelaura hand of protection
Defensive Macros
These two macros allow you to automatically swap into a Shield and Main Hand Weapon from your bags in order to either Shield Wall or Spell Reflect. These macros ensure a smooth transition of Weapon swapping when you need to reduce any incoming damage, or to preemptively reflect a spell.
Shield Wall
#showtooltip shield wall
/cancelaura bladestorm
/cancelaura hand of protection
/equipslot 16 (your weapon name)
/equipslot 17 (your shield name)
/cast shield wall
/cast defensive stance
/use Healthstone
Spell Reflect
#showtooltip Spell Reflection
/equipslot 16 (your weapon name)
/equipslot 17 (your shield name)
/cast Spell Reflection
Stance Macros
Finally, having these stance macros will optimize your stance swapping when going into either Berserker Stance or Battle Stance. This will also swap you back to using a Two-Handed Weapon instead of a Main Hand Weapon and Shield.
Battle Stance
/equipslot 17 (your weapon name)
/cast battle stance
Berserker Stance
/equipslot 17 (your weapon name)
/cast berserker stance