Welcome to Skill Capped’s Guide on the Best PvP Talents & Hero Talents for Windwalker Monks in The War Within 11.1
All sections for Windwalker Monk PvP have been divided into corresponding sections for the most optimal hero talents, class talents, spec talents, race, stats, gear, enchants, gems, and macros. This will help you have a good understanding of Windwalker Monk in PvP for The War Within, the strengths and weaknesses associated with this specialization, and help you conquer the arena. This section will guide you on the best Windwalker Monk PvP Talents in The War Within.

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Table of Contents
- Hero Talents: Conduit of the Celestials
- Hero Talents: Shado-Pan
- Class Talents
- Spec Talents
- PvP Talents
The War Within expands our arsenal of talent options, which include our new talent hero talent trees, Shado Pan and Conduit of the Celestials. As it currently stands, Conduit of the Celestials is our preferred Hero tree, completely outshining the talents we receive from Shado Pan.
Let’s delve deeper and discuss how to best allocate your hero talents, primarily for Conduit of the Celestials.
Hero Talents: Conduit of the Celestials

As for our preferred build, we have Conduit of the Celestials. This Hero build’s hallmark talent is Celestial Conduit, which is our primary burst cooldown and requires us to channel it in order to reap the benefits. However, once you use a damage or healing spell while Celestial Conduit is active, this will cancel its effect entirely.
Now, here are the talents that require a bit more understanding for you to maximize their effects.
- Heart of the Jade Serpent provides you with a bountiful amount of cooldown reduction to your core damaging spells, and is available to gain its effects after summoning Yu’lon. You’ll be able to summon Yu’lon with Strike of the Windlord.
- Strength of the Black Ox allows us to refund 2 stacks of Teachings of the Monastery from Blackout Kick after summoning Xuen, making it a bit easier to reset our Rising Sun Kick cooldown the moment Xuen is used. This also summons Niuxao for some additional AoE cleave damage around your current target.
- Unity Within, as covered in our overview section, makes our Celestial Conduit available to use again while channeling it or once it expires to summon all four August Celestials at once.

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Monk Class Talents
Out of all the talents we have featured in our preferred Hero build listed above, we have a few noteworthy talents located in our Monk tree, as well as talents you may want to pick up depending on what you are up against.
For our core talents here, we have:
- Celerity, strengthening our mobility creep.
- Transcendence, and in combination with Escape from Reality, is quite versatile as we can either use it to port on our opponents as a gap closer, or in a defensive manner to escape danger.
- Ancient Arts to make our Crowd Control uptime a bit higher.
- Clash, which not only grips our target in similar to Death Grip, but we charge to them midway while rooting all nearby targets.
As for our flexible talents, Chi Proficiency can be swapped out depending on what we are facing.
- Detox against Assassination Rogues to remove their poison effects off yourself or an ally, and against Shadow Priests to remove Devouring Plague.
- Swift Art or Lighter Than Air to make our mobility feel a bit better after using Roll, depending on your preference.
- Bounce Back reduces damage taken from hard-hitting direct abilities, and is valuable into comps that deal a lot of direct burst damage. This talent works best into specs like Subtlety Rogues, Devastation Evokers, or even other Windwalker Monks. This talent can be quite valuable into Frost Death Knights as well, providing you with some solid damage reduction every burst window.
Windwalker Spec Talents
Directing our attention to our Windwalker tree, we again have some talents worth mentioning here, which are:
- Acclamation to buff all damage on the target you used Rising Sun Kick on, lasting 12 seconds.
- Dance of Chi-Ji makes us way more inclined to use Spinning Crane Kick when we obtain this buff, as Spinning Crane Kick costs no Chi and it deals triple the amount of damage it would otherwise produce without this buff.
- Strike of the Windlord is more potent of a cooldown than in Dragonflight, as we have even more modifiers such as Gale Force and Communion With Wind that make this our most powerful offensive cooldown. Not to mention, we also benefit out of Heart of the Jade Serpent for more uptime on our primary damaging spells.
- Last Emperor’s Capacitor, which in 11.1 has been buffed by double in terms of its Crackling Jade Lightning damage. This makes us more obligated to select it in our default build as well as Power of the Thunder King down below.
Similar to our Monk tree, we do have some optional talents to choose from. For our Conduit of the Celestials tree, you can swap from Transfer the Power to Rising Star for more consistent burst coming out of Rising Sun Kick or Xuen’s Bond for increased Xuen throughput. This is dependent on your preference and what suits you the best.
Windwalker Monk PvP Talents
For our default PvP talent loadout, we have Rising Dragon Sweep, Turbo Fists, and Grapple Weapon.
- Rising Dragon Sweep compensates for our lack of Crowd Control, as we can stop casts and some direct damage quite effectively after using Whirling Dragon Punch. This knocks all enemies affected up in the air and causes them to fall down slowly, making them lose some considerable uptime on their preferred target if they don’t have a gap closer.
- Turbo Fists not only makes us parry all damage while Fists of Fury is active, but we can reduce their movement speed by a considerable amount when damaged by it. This can help our team stick on our preferred target.
- Absolute Serenity as Conduit of the Celestials is way stronger in 11.1, as you can avoid all Crowd Control while Celestial Conduit is active.
For our optional picks, we recommend swapping from / to Rising Dragon Sweep, or Absolute Serenity if you aren’t selecting Conduit of the Celestials, depending on what matchup you’re up against.
- Grapple Weapon, which is effective against most melees. Once this is used, your selected target becomes disarmed for 5 seconds. This is especially handy against Fury Warriors that have Recklessness or Avatar active.

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