Welcome to Skill Capped’s Guide on the Best Macros for Unholy Death Knights in The War Within 11.1
All sections for Unholy Death Knight PvP have been divided into corresponding sections for the most optimal hero talents, class talents, spec talents, race, stats, gear, enchants, gems, and macros. This will help you have a good understanding of Unholy Death Knights in PvP for The War Within, the strengths and weaknesses associated with this specialization, and help you conquer the arena. This section will guide you on the best Unholy Death Knight Macros in The War Within.

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Table of Contents
Focus and Arena Macros
These macros follow the same idea as party macros and eliminate the need to manually change targets every time. They are very useful for CC and interrupts. While focus macros are easier to get used to and could be sufficient in most cases, arena macros are a lot more versatile as they allow you to interact with literally any opponent in the game at any point. The downside of making arena macros is the number of binds you will have to allocate. Not to mention, they are a lot more difficult to get used to. You could start by using focus macros for most of your abilities and arena macros for some of the most important CC, and expand the more you get used to it. As a Death Knight, the spells that benefit the most from such macros are Mind Freeze, Chains of Ice, Asphyxiate, Death Grip, Dark Simulacrum, and Gnaw.
Mind Freeze
/cast [@focus] Mind Freeze
/cast [@arena1] Mind Freeze
/cast [@arena2] Mind Freeze
/cast [@arena3] Mind Freeze
Chains of Ice
/cast [@focus] Chains of Ice
/cast [@arena1] Chains of Ice
/cast [@arena2] Chains of Ice
/cast [@arena3] Chains of Ice
/cast [@focus] Asphyxiate
/cast [@arena1] Asphyxiate
/cast [@arena2] Asphyxiate
/cast [@arena3] Asphyxiate
Death Grip
/cast [@focus] Death Grip
/cast [@arena1] Death Grip
/cast [@arena2] Death Grip
/cast [@arena3] Death Grip
Dark Simulacrum
/cast [@focus] Dark Simulacrum
/cast [@arena1] Dark Simulacrum
/cast [@arena2] Dark Simulacrum
/cast [@arena3] Dark Simulacrum
/cast [@focus] Gnaw
/cast [@arena1] Gnaw
/cast [@arena2] Gnaw
/cast [@arena3] Gnaw
Party Macros
With Spellwarden being a promising pick in our PvP talents, you’ll occasionally be throwing Anti-Magic Shell on your teammates to prevent incoming magic CC or whenever they are in danger. One way to streamline this process is with party 1 and party 2 macros. If you’re unfamiliar with these, “party 1” refers to the person at the top of your party frames, and “party 2” is the second person. The basic way of doing this using two macros for each ability as featured below.
/cast [@party1] Spellwarden
/cast [@party2] Spellwarden

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Pet Macros
If you’ve played Unholy before, you understand that pet management is imperative to optimize our burst and control. These macros featured below make controlling our pet a bit easier, as we have petattack combined with a few of our primary damaging spells to make sure it is attacking the right target at the right time.
/use Festering Strike
/use Scourge Strike
/use Clawing Shadows
Additionally, we have some pet macros for easier defensive play. This macro here requires you to press this macro a second time in order to activate Huddle for a 50% damage reduction, guaranteeing your pet’s safety when it becomes the strongest. If you press Huddle outside of Dark Transformation, our pet becomes stunned for a solid 10 seconds, meaning that you’ll only use this in Dark Transformation as it converts into a roar-like effect.
/castsequence reset=5 Dark Transformation, Huddle
We also have a Death Coil macro directed onto your pet in case you need to throw out some necessary healing to keep it alive.
/use [@pet] death coil
Additional Tips
There are also a few other types of macros you could find useful. This first macro revolves around Death’s Advance, preventing you from accidentally using it again while it is currently active, as we receive two of these from Death’s Echo.
#showtooltip Death's Advance
/castsequence reset=1 Death's Advance, nil
Our second macro featured down below utilizes a pet taunting tactic, and is crucial when you need to get off your Death Strikes on any enemy target for some bonus self-healing.
/use death strike
/cast [@arenapet1,exists,nodead][@arenapet2,exists,nodead][@arenapet3,exists,nodead] dark command

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