Welcome to Skill Capped’s Survival Hunter PvP Guide for The War Within 11.1
All sections for Survival Hunter PvP have been divided into corresponding sections for the most optimal hero talents, class talents, spec talents, race, stats, gear, enchants, gems, macros, and pets. This will help you have a good understanding of Survival Hunters in PvP for The War Within, the strengths and weaknesses associated with this specialization, and help you conquer the arena. This section provides a brief overview of Survival Hunters in The War Within.
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Table of Contents
What’s New for Survival Hunters in The War Within?
Survival Hunter has been subject to a variety of changes that alter our rotation and gameplay. The most dramatic change focuses on Tip of the Spear, which now causes us to be more aware of buff maintenance as each stack increases the damage of any direct damaging ability. To build our stacks, we still rely on Kill Command, but we now generate them through Flanking Strike and Coordinated Assault in combination with Symbiotic Adrenaline.
Aside from Tip of the Spear, another massive change is that both Wildfire Bomb and Flanking Strike now cost focus, making Kill Command more necessary to press in order to generate Focus and continue dealing damage.
Focusing on our class tree, we now have Binding Shot, Scatter Shot, High Explosive Trap, and Intimidation all at the same time. This gives you more opportunities to throw out Crowd Control, assisting you with controlling your opponents. Alongside this, we now have Kodo Tranquilizer, which enhances our purge effect to also hit two nearby players. Unfortunately, this has been tuned down in PvP, meaning that you won’t be able to remove an additional magic effect off your selected target.
Shifting over to our Survival tree, we have new talents here that provide us with even more burst damage. Most of these talents make Coordinated Assault way stronger of a cooldown, as we have way more uptime on it thanks to Symbiotic Adrenaline, and Bombardier which resets one of our Wildfire Bomb charges upon pressing it and gives us more uptime and AoE cleave out of Explosive Shot once it expires.
Additionally, patch 11.1 has resulted in increased buff maintenance for Survival thanks to Wildfire Arsenal, making it important to use a weakaura catering to the amount of stacks acquired in order to prevent yourself from losing out on extra damage.
However, the most exciting part of The War Within is the introduction of Hero talents, to which we have two to choose from; Sentinel or Pack Leader.
Playstyle for Survival Hunters
As opposed to Beast Mastery and Marksmanship, you become more involved in the fight since you become more melee oriented. This specialization requires more finesse as a variety of your spells can be utilized in niche ways to grant you an advantage over the opposing team, for example Harpoon for mobility, root an enemy out of Light of Sight, or to land Freezing Trap.

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