HomeTier ListSolo Shuffle Tier List for Patch 11.0.5 - WoW The War Within...

Solo Shuffle Tier List for Patch 11.0.5 – WoW The War Within PvP Tier List

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This guide was made in collaboration with multiple current Rank 1 Gladiators, but is designed to represent the entire arena ladder.
To help understand how these rankings work, we assume the following:
S tier specs are what currently defines the meta. These represent the absolute best in each category.
A tier specs are incredibly strong, but not one of the best. These are still highly competitive, but have a chance at getting slightly unfavorable lobbies.
B tier specs represent the “average” spec, and have an even distribution of good and bad lobbies, which can make them feel less consistent.
C tier specs are generally weak into the meta and are expected to have unfavorable lobbies the majority of the time.
A visual representation can be found here.

Other important notes:
This list is an ongoing project and will be updated periodically.


S Tier

Feral Druid

As our only spec in the S tier category, we have Feral Druid. Although they have received nerfs to Taste for Blood and Saber Jaws, Feral Druids remain extremely durable in the current season, as they are capable of tearing apart their opponents without having to cast Cyclone to burst.

Although Feral may be more susceptible to death due to their nerf to King of the Jungle, bringing their healing buff down to 9% instead of a maximum of 20%, they are still deadly as they can rip through targets every 2 minutes with Incarnation.

A+ Tier

Starting off at our A+ tier category, we have Arms Warrior. After recent changes, buffs to some of their core damaging spells have made this spec quite promising in competitive play. However, this spec struggles with their survivability and serves its position as more of a wildcard specialization.

Fury Warrior

Fury Warrior has had some devastating blows over the recent couple patches that have been released, but it can still pack a punch with their offensive abilities, especially with Recklessness and Thunderous Roar. Even Bladestorm is relatively stronger than what it used to be as Slayer, compensating us with slightly higher throughput. Unfortunately, Fury struggles with the same problems as Arms, which is their survivability. This results in Fury being placed on the A+ category as well.

Survival Hunter

Although Hunters experienced some defensive nerfs that make this spec quite challenging in competitive play, the rework to some talents make our throughput more impactful in a competitive setting. Unfortunately Survival isn’t capable to preventing themselves from avoiding heavy fire compared to Marksmanship and BM, which makes this specialization require more positional awareness and optimization in order to succeed.

Windwalker Monk

Windwalker Monks can dish out some heavy upfront burst, allowing you to execute your opponents unexpectedly and secure wins. Another reason why this spec is ranked relatively high is due to their variety of defensive and utility abilities that can help them or their teammates escape danger as well as with securing setups. Their new Clash talent is a prime example of this, reacting as both a Roll and a Death Grip from Death Knight, giving this spec a ton of playmaking potential.

Additionally, Storm, Earth, and Fire images are now immune to roots and Crowd Control, making them more reliable to deal damage. Unfortunately, the downside of this spec is that their Paralysis is now 3 seconds in PvP, making it a bit more difficult to close out games, but with one-shot level damage this won’t be too difficult of a problem.

A Tier

Assassination Rogue

Assassination Rogue is tuned down on the difficulty quite a bit, as opposed to Sub Rogue, and will continue creating AoE pressure by means of bleeds and poison effects. This spec is filled with solid quality of life buffs, keeping our rotation impactful, especially from Subterfuge and Serrated Bone Spikes applying from our Rupture.

With Holy Paladins experiencing some hefty nerfs to their sustain, this has risen the representation of this spec in competitive play.

Subtlety Rogue

If you haven’t noticed, Subtlety Rogue is actually quite impactful now with their new toolkit, as they can really pack a punch with their throughput. This is mainly due to new talents like Shadowcraft and Death Perception that allow them to spam Eviscerate without having to worry about generating Combo Points too much.

These buffs give Sub Rogue enough finishing power to execute their kill target, which is what this spec inherently lacked in previous seasons. However, this spec loses out on utility, mainly with Vanish if Forced Induction is played.

Outlaw Rogue

Outlaw has risen in popularity with the new patch, as we receive some nice buffs to our sustain damage. This spec does require a lot of high-APM and is quite difficult to deal damage as for a beginner player.

Unholy Death Knight

Unholy Death Knight continues to deal damage the way it’s always done, high disease damage and wound popping, but with some extra enhancements that buff what we already have.

Especially when it comes to our Rider of The Apocalypse Hero tree, we can summon four horsemen without much change to our gameplay. Our survivability against magic damage has also increased, as we receive Null Magic, Vestigial Shell, Unyielding Will, and Horsemen’s Aid, all making our Anti-Magic Shield way better.

Havoc Demon Hunter

Although Demon Hunter has received some nice buffs to Aldrachi Reaver for more coordinated damage, this is still a solid beginner specialization for most players to get into. Our consistent damage has received some solid buffs with recent hotfixes, which was quite necessary to keep this spec afloat due to their lackluster throughput in 11.0.2.

Enhancement Shaman

Enhancement Shaman has seen a resurgence in play as both our Totemic and Stormbringer hero trees have received some changes that make our burst more fluid. This spec can feel like a slot machine while bursting with Doom Winds and Ascendance, but can provide some consistent AoE cleave when specced into Primordial Wave.

Paladins have a stronger toolkit than they used to thanks to our 11.0.5. class tree rework. Although they lack a healing reduction effect, they have more utility thrown into their arsenal of spells that not only keep themselves safe but their allies as well.

Additionally, they have more Crowd Control uptime thanks to Light’s Countenance if either Repentance or Blinding Light is played, helping them set up for their team more often and create more pressure.

B Tier

Frost Death Knight

Although this spec is notoriously known as a gimmick due to their exact same win condition, most players at lower ratings may struggle with defensive cooldown trading against their win conditions. This gives Frost Death Knight quite the advantage during their burst windows.


S Tier

Beast Mastery Hunter

Beast Mastery still remains a good option for all players regardless of rating, and is the most competitive spec out of all Hunter specs. Not to mention, BM has one of the highest win rates in the bracket, while also one of the lowest death rates.

Since this spec focuses on singling down one target all game with consistent damage, this is a strategy that best suits players at lower ratings. This becomes more efficient to climb without having to rely on coordinated burst or swaps to win the game.

Elemental Shaman

Elemental Shaman is super competitive in the new season, and is mainly due to how this spec can dish out damage. This spec can pick up Stormkeeper, which was not the case before in 11.0.2, allowing us to dish out some massive Lightning Bolt casts.

Not to mention, Elemental received an Ascendance rework, which buffs your Mastery: Elemental Overload damage while active and duplicates your spell an additional time if procced. This talent makes Elemental quite deadly if pressed, and provides them with enough finishing power to close out games unexpectedly if they are lucky.

A+ Tier

Frost out of all three Mage specs is the clear winner as it offers way more control and cleave damage. It’s even received numerous amounts of buffs to its Frostfire Hero tree, making Frostbolt way stronger in its current state.

Its convenience factor is from the amount of mobility this spec has, and the fact that you can do a lot of damage without needing to cast at all.

Devastation Evoker

Devastation Evoker excels at lower ratings, up to 1800 rating, mainly due to their profound burst.

This spec can easily close out games relatively fast, and at lower ratings it becomes less likely that enemy players will counter their damage. They are also one of the tankiest casters in the game, especially with how much mobility they have to kite away from melees.

Shadow Priest

Shadow Priest still remains a deadly force to be reckoned with, but with some slight damage tunings coming out of our Voidweaver Hero tree, and some nerfs to our survivability, this spec has dropped half a tier than before in 11.0.2.

The biggest change targets Void Leech, which still helps a ton with keeping us alive. However, we receive nerfs to this talent in the new patch, causing us to become slightly squishier and a potential kill target. This was quite unlikely to be the case in the previous patch.

Affliction Warlock

Despite Affliction‘s popularity at higher ratings, this drastically changes at lower rankings. The reasoning to this is that Warlocks are constantly trained by melees, and if you have a difficult time juking interrupts for Precognition, you might not have the best time playing.

Additionally, a majority of their Hero talents have undergone some dramatic nerfs in terms of their damage, making it difficult for this spec to solo carry alone.

Demonology Warlock

Demonology in its current state is looking quite promising, but may not be the best for a beginner. This is solely because Demonology must open their cast bar constantly to ramp up their damage.

However, Demonology has received massive buffs that target this weakness, specifically coming out of Dreadstalkers, which now guarantee you a Demonic Core once they are summoned. This change is a pretty big quality of life improvement, and with Felguard dealing more damage this spec feels relatively fluid and powerful in the current meta.

Destruction Warlock

Destruction is known to have a variety of instant cast spells to deal damage, but with our new 11.0.5 changes, we can expect this spec to have enough finishing power to execute their opponents and secure wins more frequently.

This is mainly due to some dramatic buffs that target our Chaos Bolt, Immolate, and Incinerate damage, and with Immolate being an instant cast spell from Wither if our Hellcaller Hero tree is played, our spread pressure and single target damage are massively higher from these changes.

A Tier

Balance Druid

Boomkin has risen from B tier in our original 11.0.2 ranking, and is solely due to their double Incarnation that can help them secure wins when enemy defensive cooldowns are recharging.

Another impactful change is their single target throughput, which focuses on buffing our Wrath and Starfire at the expense of slightly nerfing Starsurge and Sunseeker Mushroom. This means we may have to open up our cast bar to maximize our damage and keep the pressure rolling, which could be difficult to do with how high the consistent damage of other specs are currently.

Marksmanship Hunter has suffered with some substantial nerfs to their throughput, mainly focusing on their Dark Ranger tree. This patch had talents removed that were important to their throughput, especially Overshadow that buffed Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire by 20%.

Additionally, their cleave damage is a bit weaker due to the nerf on Withering Fire.

Arcane Mage

Arcane may be difficult for a beginner, this spec can deal some outlandish burst damage. More modifiers have been added to talents they have gotten accustomed to, particularly in terms of Time Loop, which extend their Arcane Debilitation debuff on targets. Depending on how many stacks they have up, they can deal some explosive burst out of Arcane Barrage and Arcane Missiles.

B Tier

Fire Mage

Fire Mage tends to feel way more playable overall, and is mainly due to this spec receiving a variety of buffs towards their core damaging spells. Combined with the nerf to Glass Cannon, this becomes no longer required to deal damage, resulting in our survivability feeling quite nice as opposed to previous seasons in Dragonflight.

C Tier

Augmentation Evoker

Augmentation becomes difficult to rank on its own solely due to this spec being a support based spec.

Although this spec can be strong when paired with strong partners, it’s dependent on the lobby and who you get as your partners to actually take effect.


S Tier

Discipline Priest

Discipline Priest is still one of the best healers across all ratings, and is great if you want to solo carry. Their external cooldowns serve a tremendous value to team survivability and has enormous damage potential.

Discipline Priest in 11.0.5 has received some buffs to their healing throughput, mainly targeting Power Word: Radiance and Flash Heal. These changes are super helpful for a tempo-based healer, which make it easier to recover out of Crowd Control chains. However, you can fall behind if you aren’t proactive with your defensive cooldowns, which means you still have to be aware of incoming damage in order to stay ahead.

Holy Paladin

As a spec that’s relatively easy play, it is also the most dominant Healer up to Rival. Not only does this healer have the highest win-rate, but is the best healer to reach 1800 by a considerable margin.

Although Holy Paladin has received some nerfs to tune down their throughput, their new class tree changes give them even more utility to keep themselves safe as well as their allies. As a spec that has a lot of utility incorporated in their toolkit, using these cooldowns reactively is great in a meta that is quite fast and unpredictable.

A+ Tier

Mistweaver Monk

Mistweaver has risen in popularity with how effective their AoE healing can be from Jade Empowerment, although this is receiving some slight nerfs to its throughput. Not to mention, Rushing Wind Kick will be more of a potential grab due to its hefty damage buffs, and can help you close out matchups.

Their single-target healing is even stronger now with some healing buffs thrown in, and can be a bit easier to climb at lower ratings since players are inclined to train one target from start to finish while ignoring their healer in the process.

What places this spec half a tier lower is their lack of defensive cooldowns that can enable their team to play aggressive and secure wins.

Preservation Evoker

Preservation Evoker still remains popular at higher rating, and has enough throughput for experienced players to handle the absurd pressure BM Hunters and Elemental Shamans currently deliver.

However, this spec may be challenging for newer players, as it has quite an abysmal win rate up to Rival ratings. Unless you are already super experienced at healing and know your spec inside and out, Preservation Evoker can be quite overwhelming for most players.

A Tier

Restoration Shaman

Restoration Shaman more or less struggles in a fast-paced meta, where it becomes difficult to throw out your utility in order to keep your team ahead. All in all, this spec tends to be outclassed by more of the higher ranked healers, simply due to their lack of healing.

Restoration Druid

Similar to Restoration Shaman, Resto Druid is a prime example of a class that relies on a slower paced meta. This spec typically excels when damage is slow enough for HoTs to carry.

Unfortunately, with some specs dealing some incredibly high cleave damage, it becomes difficult to keep up. Due to this, Resto Druids become less inclined to use their control with Cyclone as they have to spend almost every second of the game healing.

C Tier

Holy Priest

Holy Priest is the weakest out of the bunch, who ranks last in win-rates in comparison to all healers.

The main problem is that Holy Priest can’t rely solely on their instant casts, resulting in them spam casting heals in order to keep their teammates alive.

Final Thoughts

Same as with all the other tier lists we’ve done, you have to realize that being lower on the list doesn’t make your class bad. There are a lot of things that go into making classes better than others. In Solo Shuffle specifically, lack of coordination is a big factor, but the level of chaos will change depending on your rating. The classes higher on the list will be easier to navigate due to their versatility and carry potential, and will be a safe choice going into Season 1 of The War Within.