Welcome to Skill Capped’s Guide on the Best Stats, Gear, Gems & Enchants for Retribution Paladins in The War Within 11.1
All sections for Retribution Paladin PvP have been divided into corresponding sections for the most optimal hero talents, class talents, spec talents, race, stats, gear, enchants, gems, and macros. This will help you have a good understanding of Retribution Paladins in PvP for The War Within, the strengths and weaknesses associated with this specialization, and help you conquer the arena. This section will guide you on the best Retribution Paladin Stats, Gear, Gems & Enchants in The War Within.

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Retribution Paladin Stat Priority
Versatility > Mastery > Haste > Critical Strike
Versatility will be our most important stat. You want to focus on getting as much of it as you can, up to at least 25%. This will happen automatically through PvP gearing, as most of the items you will end up using will have Versatility on them.
After that, you’ll be focusing on Mastery. This is due to your Boundless Judgment talent making your Mastery more valuable for extra burst damage.
Followed by Mastery, Haste is a solid addition to our character as it makes our primary DoTs tick faster, making Blessing of An’she proc more often. Additionally, our global cooldown is reduced by having more of this stat, allowing us to spend our globals quicker in order to generate our Hammer of Justice back slightly faster, and reduces the cooldown on some of our core damaging abilities such as Judgment and Blade of Justice.
Critical Strike does not synergize with our toolkit, therefore making it our weakest stat. Although, this may become more potent if Avenging Wrath: Might makes a return as a viable talent pick.
BiS Retribution Paladin PvP Gear
Main Pieces
- Head: Prized Gladiator’s Plate Helm or Algari Competitor’s Plate Goggles with Versatility
- Shoulders: Aureate Sentry’s Roaring Will
- Chest: Aureate Sentry’s Encasement
- Gloves: Aureate Sentry’s Gauntlets
- Legs: Aureate Sentry’s Legguards
- Back: Prized Gladiator’s Shawl or Algari Competitor’s Cloth Cloak with Versatility / Mastery
- Belt: Prized Gladiator’s Plate Girdle or Algari Competitor’s Plate Waistguard with Versatility / Mastery
- Bracers: Prized Gladiator’s Plate Wristguards or Algari Competitor’s Plate Armguards with Versatility / Mastery
- Boots: Algari Competitor’s Plate Sabatons with Versatility / Mastery
- Neck: Prized Gladiator’s Amulet or Algari Competitor’s Amulet with Versatility / Mastery
- Ring 1: Prized Gladiator’s Signet
- Ring 2: Algari Competitor’s Signet with Versatility / Mastery
- Main Hand: Prized Gladiator’s Greatsaw or Algari Competitor’s Greatsword with Versatility / Mastery
- Trinket 1: Prized Gladiator’s Insignia of Alacrity
- Trinket 2: Prized Gladiator’s Medallion (Prized Gladiator’s Badge of Ferocity or Prized Gladiator’s Insignia of Alacrity if Human)
- Alternative Trinket: Prized Gladiator’s Badge of Ferocity as Templar.
When it comes to trinkets, Prized Gladiator’s Insignia of Alacrity is your best option, preferably as Herald of the Sun. The Insignia trinket has a relatively high proc chance, which makes our sustain damage stronger. Not to mention, we receive a static amount of Haste to make our rotation more fluid and increases our Blessing of An’she proc rate.
However, you can substitute the Insignia trinket for Prized Gladiator’s Badge of Ferocity when playing with our Templar tree. This is an excellent choice for bursting with Hammer of Light after every other Wake of Ashes and becomes even stronger with Radiant Glory.
You will then need a Prized Gladiator’s Medallion to break out of CC every 2 minutes.
Humans then have the option to drop the Prized Gladiator’s Medallion for Prized Gladiator’s Badge of Ferocity or Prized Gladiator’s Insignia of Alacrity, depending on your preference and what Hero tree you play as. This is due to Human having access to Will to Survive for breaking out of crowd control. However, the Medallion can still be a solid pick for Human into teams where you want more frequent access to a CC removal, as you will be able to rotate through the Prized Gladiator’s Medallion and Will to Survive every 90 seconds, which is especially useful in matchups where you are required to use Blessing of Sanctuary to remove Crowd Control from your healer.

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Best Retribution Paladin Embellishments
- Item 1: Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension on Algari Competitor’s Greatsword with Versatility / Mastery
- Item 2: Writhing Armor Banding on any crafted armor slot.
Alternative Embellishments:
- Elemental Focusing Lens x2 on any crafted slot.
As for either embellishment, both Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension and Elemental Focusing Lens provide consistent benefits to our throughput. However, Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension slightly has an upper hand early in the expansion with how low our secondary stats are.
On the other hand, Elemental Focusing Lens is super potent to have if you want to make use out of your conquest weapon. This will save you some conquest in the process, helping us gear our character faster. Not to mention, this embellishment is only effective as long as you have at least 1 gem equipped, and deals damage from a specific school of magic based on the gem you equip. Keep in mind that the damage from this embellishment can’t be buffed by cooldowns, talents, or any damage bonuses from school types.
Best Retribution Paladin Gems
Core Gems: Enduring Bloodstone / Determined Bloodstone + Masterful Sapphire
In The War Within, you will use a Vicious Jeweler’s Setting to add sockets to your Helmet, Neck, Bracers, Belt and Rings. Two sockets can be added to the Neck and Rings.
As Versatility and Mastery are your best secondary stats, you will want to both gem and enchant it wherever possible.
You have two potential picks to choose from for our newly introduced PvP gem that can only be attributed once onto your character’s gem slots. As for Enduring Bloodstone, this will give you some additional damage reduction when affected by Crowd Control. However, you can choose Determined Bloodstone as a minor stackable damage boost, supplementing your damage on your next attack after being snared.
For all gem slots, we will use Masterful Sapphire. This will provide us a hefty amount of Versatility, while weaving in some Mastery to increase our damage profile and to buff Boundless Judgment.
Best Retribution Paladin Enchants
Cloak: Chant of Leeching Fangs
Chest: Crystalline Radiance
Bracers: Chant of Armored Leech
Legs: Stormbound Armor Kit
Boots: Scout’s March
Rings: Radiant Versatility
Weapon: Authority of Radiant Power

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