Welcome to Skill Capped’s Restoration Shaman PvP Guide for The War Within 11.1
All sections for Restoration Shaman PvP have been divided into corresponding sections for the most optimal hero talents, class talents, spec talents, race, stats, gear, enchants, gems, and macros. This will help you have a good understanding of Restoration Shamans in PvP for The War Within, the strengths and weaknesses associated with this specialization, and help you conquer the arena. This section provides a brief overview of Restoration Shamans in The War Within.

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What’s New for Restoration Shamans in The War Within?
If you are looking to experience some new and exciting changes as a Restoration Shaman, well you are in luck, as we receive more quality of life improvements to our core utility and healing spells, making our rotation feel more fluid and smooth. For our Shaman and Restoration talent trees, we notice a massive revamp with node allocation and talent point requirements, giving us access to talents that weren’t as obtainable before in Dragonflight.
More specifically, Totemic Surge, Totemic Focus, and Nature’s Guardian all require one talent point instead of two without any change to their effects. Also, our choice node with Gust of Wind and Spirit Walk is now positioned at the beginning of our Shaman tree without having to sacrifice a lot of talent points to get it.
There are some new talents we receive that change up our playstyle quite a bit, such as Stone Bulwark Totem, providing us with another defensive totem that we can place down for some nice absorb action on ourselves, Therazane’s Resilience which requires us to reapply Earth Shield only when we need to swap it on another ally or when it gets purged, and lastly Spiritwalker’s Tidal Totem to supply us with 3 instant cast Healing Surges that cost half their normal amount after pressing Mana Tide Totem.
Not to mention, we also get our hands on some nice damage reduction effects, mainly with Elemental Resistance reducing Fire, Frost, and Nature damage on targets affected by Healing Stream Totem, and Spirit Link Totem applying a 10% damage reduction to all friendly targets within its radius. Not to mention, we also receive Spouting Spirits to further reduce our damage taken by 5% when affected by Spirit Link Totem, while also healing friendly players around it for a hefty amount a second after it gets dropped.
Aside from these changes, it’s important to cover the focal point of The War Within and where most of the new stuff really comes from; Hero Talents. With each specialization having two to choose from, as a Restoration Shaman you have the option to select Farseer or Totemic.
All in all, Restoration Shaman tends to be a strong competitor as we enter into the new season, granting us a bit more variance on how we can sustain our teammates.

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