Welcome to Skill Capped’s Guide on the Best Macros for Restoration Druids in The War Within 11.1
All sections for Restoration Druid PvP have been divided into corresponding sections for the most optimal hero talents, class talents, spec talents, race, stats, gear, enchants, gems, and macros. This will help you have a good understanding of Restoration Druids in PvP for The War Within, the strengths and weaknesses associated with this specialization, and help you conquer the arena. This section will guide you on the best Restoration Druid Macros in The War Within.

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Table of Contents
Party Macros
As a Restoration Druid, most of your macros will focus on supporting your allies as quickly as possible. These also involve landing your utility spells on the right target at the right time. In order to make it easier, you should make party1 and party2 macros, or use the names of your teammates. This way, you won’t need to change a target every time you want to cast a spell on an ally. If you go with player names, make sure you change the names in the macro every time you change teammates. You’ll be using these macros mainly for Nature’s Cure and Wild Charge.
Nature’s Cure
/cast [@party1] Nature's Cure
/cast [@party2] Nature's Cure
Wild Charge
/cast [@party1] Wild Charge
/cast [@party2] Wild Charge
Focus and Arena Macros
These macros follow the same idea as party macros and eliminate the need to manually change targets every time. These are very useful for your CC. While focus macros are easier to get used to and could be sufficient in most cases, arena macros are a lot more versatile as they allow you to interact with literally any opponent in the game at any point. The downside of making arena macros is the number of binds you will have to allocate. Not to mention, they are a lot more difficult to get used to. You could start by using focus macros for most of your abilities and arena macros for some of the most important CC, and expand the more you get used to it. As a Druid, the spells that benefit the most from such macros are Mighty Bash, Cyclone, and Entangling Roots.
Mighty Bash
/cast [@focus] Mighty Bash
/cast [@arena1] Mighty Bash
/cast [@arena2] Mighty Bash
/cast [@arena3] Mighty Bash
/cast [@focus] Cyclone
/cast [@arena1] Cyclone
/cast [@arena2] Cyclone
/cast [@arena3] Cyclone
Entangling Roots
/cast [@focus] Entangling Roots
/cast [@arena1] Entangling Roots
/cast [@arena2] Entangling Roots
/cast [@arena3] Entangling Roots

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Shifting Macros
Another unique feature that sets Druids apart from any other class is their ability to use shifting to escape roots or snares. The first macro shown below allows you to shift out of form off the global cooldown, providing a tactical advantage in various situations.
Another shifting macro functions like a cast-sequence macro, enabling you to shift into Bear Form and use Frenzied Regeneration with a single bind.
/cast (place Mount Name here)
/cast [nostance] Bear Form
/cast [form:2] Bear Form
/cast [form:3] Bear Form
/cast [form:1] Frenzied Regeneration
Healing Macros
Having macros to enhance your healing is crucial to success, especially as a Restoration Druid. Our first two macros listed down below are for Nature’s Swiftness, as this is an important cooldown to deliver massive burst healing. Using the first macro allows you to seamlessly land an instant cast Regrowth, whereas the latter instantly activates Ancient of Lore.
Our third healing macro offers a nice quality of life improvement by grouping together all on-demand healing abilities. Recovering from danger becomes easier, as it reduces the number of clicks needed to use Healthstone.
/castsequence reset=3 Nature's Swiftness, Regrowth
/castsequence reset=3 Nature's Swiftness, Ancient of Lore
#showtooltip Renewal
/cast Renewal
/use Healthstone
Talent Swapping Macros
For talent choice nodes, we recommend using these macros, which will automatically use either Mass Entanglement or Ursol’s Vortex from the first macro, as well as either Mighty Bash or Incapacitating Roar in the second one, depending on what talents you have chosen.
/cast [known:Mass Entanglement] Mass Entanglement
/cast [known: Ursol's Vortex] Ursol's Vortex
/cast [known:Mighty Bash] Mighty Bash
/cast [known: Incapacitating Roar] Incapacitating Roar
@Cursor and @Player Macros
There are a few abilities that require you to manually select the location you want to case them at. In the case of our Efflorescence macro, this reticle is removed entirely with the addition of a ping to help allies identify where it has been placed. If you add the “@cursor” condition, the ability to set it to will automatically be cast at your cursor’s location, whereas “@player” will cast it on your character.
/cast [@cursor] Efflorescence
/cast [@player] Innervate
Shadowmeld Macro
For most Restoration Druids, you’ll be most commonly playing as a Night Elf, making this macro highly desirable as you’ll want to guarantee the use of Shadowmeld during precise moments. This allows you to react immediately, cancelling anything that may delay the effect.
/cast Shadowmeld

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