Welcome to Skill Capped’s Guide on the Best PvP Talents & Hero Talents for Outlaw Rogues in The War Within 11.1
All sections for Outlaw Rogue PvP have been divided into corresponding sections for the most optimal hero talents, class talents, spec talents, race, stats, gear, enchants, gems, and macros. This will help you have a good understanding of Outlaw Rogues in PvP for The War Within, the strengths and weaknesses associated with this specialization, and help you conquer the arena. This section will guide you on the best Outlaw Rogue PvP Talents in The War Within.
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The War Within expands our arsenal of talent options, which include our new talent hero talent trees, Trickster and Fatebound. As it currently stands, both Trickster and Fatebound are viable Hero talent picks with more representation focusing on Trickster in the current meta.
Let’s delve deeper and further understand how to best allocate your Hero talents.
Hero Talents: Trickster

Here is our recommended loadout for Trickster. This build prioritizes Unseen Blade, which naturally procs from our rotation to grant us a damage modifier on our current target. We also have talents such as Disorienting Strikes, Thousand Cuts, and Flickerstrike if selected to buff our uptime on this spell.
Now let’s cover some talents located here that require a bit more explanation to use them effectively in the arena.
- Coup de Grace influences us to maximize the amount of Unseen Blade strikes we can get out in a single game. This functions as an empowered Dispatch.
- When your opponents get affected by Fazed, you receive some slight damage reduction from Smoke and your builders become stronger with Surprising Strikes. This will occur as you apply Unseen Blade.
Hero Talents: Trickster | Keep it Rolling Build

As for our alternative Trickster build we have our Keep it Rolling build. This requires slightly more Haste added to your gear if you choose to play it in order to compensate for the loss of Take ’em by Surprise.
However, this build provides some solid consistent bonuses to our throughput, mainly from Summarily Dispatched allowing us to receive up to a 30% damage buff and 25 Energy reduction cost on Dispatch after using it with 5 or more Combo Points.
Not only that, but we receive Keep it Rolling to extend the duration of our enhancements from Roll the Bones, and should be used when you have at least 2 or 3 buffs active from your original roll. You can look for True Bearing before using this as well since it greatly assists us with our cooldown reduction on a majority of our abilities.
Since our next Roll the Bones won’t overlap with the current buffs active after Keep it Rolling has been used, you can increase your buffs to 4 or 5 without having to rely solely on luck. Not to mention, this can completely change the game if you receive all buffs at once and extend those as well.
Hero Talents: Fatebound

Next up is our recommended loadout for Fatebound. We constantly make use of Hand of Fate, granting us some nice enhancements to our throughput upon using a finisher at or above 5 combo points.
Let’s cover some talents located here that require a bit more explanation to use them effectively in the arena.
- Hand of Fate allows you to flip a coin every time you use a finisher. If your coin lands on Heads, you receive a damage modifier for 10 seconds, otherwise you deal some immediate damage on the target you’re hitting. If you consecutively land on the same face, the effect you receive is amplified.
- Edge Case and Double Jeopardy allow you to generate 2 coins with the same face from your next finisher. Since you retain your Adrenaline Rush in Stealth, most use this in the opener to maximize its effects with Subterfuge.
- Death’s Arrival allows you to use Grappling Hook twice in a row without affecting its cooldown, but the second Grappling Hook has to be used within 3 seconds of when the first one was used.
- Fateful Ending grants you a 7% Agility buff throughout an entire game, as long as you don’t stay out of combat for too long, when you consecutively flip the same 7 faces.

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Rogue Class Talents
In the Rogue Class talent tree, most of your talent choices will be mandatory when advancing onto each tier. Some of most noteworthy mandatory talents are:
- Blackjack to reduce damage and healing on an enemy target by 30% after being affected by Sap or Blind, making it harder for healers to recover coming out of Crowd Control chains.
- Elusiveness and with our newly added PvP talent, Preemptive Maneuver, our Feint becomes more effective at crucial moments that, more often than not, deny enemy kill windows.
- Deeper Stratagem, which synergizes phenomenally with Devious Stratagem in our spec tree for a total of 7 max combo points, allowing us to further maximize our burst coming out of our finishers.
There are some talents located in our class tree that can be swapped around depending on your composition and what you’re up against.
You can select Tricks of the Trade instead of Blackjack in its respective choice node if you want to play with Thick as Thieves to buff your teammate’s damage. This should only be selected when playing with another DPS that has a high burst profile, such as Fury Warrior, Devastation Evoker, and Frost Mage.
Iron Stomach can be selected instead of Unbreakable Stride if you aren’t facing a Frost Mage or Death Knight, or if you predict that you will be the primary kill target.
With the addition of Preemptive Maneuver, we become more inclined on selecting Elusiveness instead of Cheat Death. This provides us a massive damage reduction when affected by stuns as long as Feint is active.
Outlaw Spec Talents
For our spec talents, most of these will be mandatory as you advance onto each tier. Some of the most noteworthy talents are:
- Opportunity to occasionally duplicate your Sinister Strike and to buff your Pistol Shot.
- Fan the Hammer allows you generate 2 stacks of Opportunity after duplicating your Sinister Strike, allowing you to fire 2 enhanced Pistol Shots at once.
- Underhanded Upper Hand makes it worthwhile to use Adrenaline Rush before first opener, as you retain its duration while in Stealth and in Subterfuge.
- Audacity works well with Fan the Hammer and Opportunity, as each shot from Pistol Shot has a chance for you to use Ambush out of Stealth. This synergizes great with Hidden Opportunity as you can proc a duplicated Ambush. We receive benefits out of Opportunity when our duplicated Ambush procs.
We also have some optional spec talents worth noting here that you can could select in certain scenarios.
The biggest change here in our default build involves removing our talent point in Heavy Hitter and placing it in Combat Stamina to make our survivability very strong. In PvP, this is even more impactful as you gain a 15% Stamina bonus instead of 5%. This should be selected if you predict that you will be the primary kill target for the opposing team.
Additionally, you can select Float like a Butterfly instead of Sting Like a Bee if you are facing a melee cleave that you know will focus you down, or against double wizards for more uptime on Evasion‘s damage reduction when paired with Elusiveness. This makes you feel more tanky and can deter players from attacking you entirely.
Outlaw Rogue PvP Talents
With the removal of Take Your Cut and Enduring Brawler, this dramatically shifts the default PvP talent loadout, giving us more flexibility on what we can choose.
In the current meta, your default Outlaw PvP talent loadout will typically include Preemptive Maneuver, Turn the Tables, and Smoke Bomb.
- Preemptive Maneuver reduces damage taken while in Stun effects if Feint is active, while also reducing the Energy cost of Feint.
- Turn the Tables provides us with a considerable damage increase after we come out of a stun, but is more of a soft-locked pick. This can be swapped out for more defensive utility if needed.
- Smoke Bomb is another soft-locked pick as a Outlaw Rogue, but is generally more preferred than most options as this opens up more win conditions by playing off of the enemy’s trinkets.
Finally, you can swap to/from Turn the Tables or Smoke Bomb depending on the matchup, which include some of these optional talents:
- Dismantle, which becomes more mandatory against powerful melee brawler specs, especially against Warriors after they use Warbreaker or Recklessness.
- Thick as Thieves is great if you are able to coordinate burst windows with your teammate, as you can buff their damage for a short duration after Tricks of the Trade has been used. This becomes more viable for classes that have heavy upfront burst damage, especially Devastation Evoker and Frost Mage.
Unlock your PvP potential with Skill Capped. Our brand new Skill Capped UI for The War Within will fast track your success, offering everything you need to set up your UI like a pro in just seconds. Skill Capped members can download the complete addon package from our site and unlock premium profiles for BetterBlizzPlates, OmniBar, and OmniCD to gain visual and in depth insights that enhance your gameplay and give you the edge over your opponents. With Skill Capped, you’ll start climbing the ladder in no time.