Welcome to Skill Capped’s Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide for The War Within 11.1
All sections for Marksmanship Hunter PvP have been divided into corresponding sections for the most optimal hero talents, class talents, spec talents, race, stats, gear, enchants, gems, macros, and pets. This will help you have a good understanding of Marksmanship Hunters in PvP for The War Within, the strengths and weaknesses associated with this specialization, and help you conquer the arena. This section provides a brief overview of Marksmanship Hunters in The War Within.

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What’s New for Marksmanship Hunters in The War Within?
Marksmanship Hunters have dramatically changed in the new 11.1 patch, with the most impactful being the loss of our pet. This now has been converted to a bird companion that grants you all the same effects as a pet once did. Without a pet, this has resulted in a shift to how we deliver our Mortal Strike, which now applies from our Aimed Shot with the talent, Manhunter.
The most significant change, from The War Within release, to our spec tree is the addition of Kill Zone, a new talent that allows you to attack through pillar after casting Volley, similar to our Kyrian ability in Shadowlands. This reduces the chance of players avoiding your direct burst and setups, enabling you to contribute more impactful damage while also lowering the possibility of getting Crowd Controlled.
Entering into our class tree, we notice massive enhancements to our toolkit, including Padded Armor for an additional charge of Survival of the Fittest, and the ability to choose Binding Shot, Scatter Shot, Intimidation, and High Explosive Trap all at the same time.
Marksmanship Hunters now receive two Hero talent trees; Sentinel and Dark Ranger.
Sentinel strengthens our damage profile with more added consistency, while also buffing your primary burst spells. The centerpiece of this tree revolves around our Sentinel talent, as this applies a debuff, stacking up to 10 times from your spells. Since this debuff only deals damage once your spells trigger it, and with the proc chance being relatively high, this acts more of a consistent increase to our DPS.
For Dark Ranger, this introduces Black Arrow into the mix of damaging abilities, replacing Kill Shot for a stronger version of itself. We also receive more uptime on Black Arrow when playing as this build, incorporating more sustained burst damage into our rotation.
Overall, given Marksmanship’s toolkit and high damage throughput, it’s safe to say that it may rise back to the top entering the new patch. With the buffs tied to their arsenal of cooldowns, locking down Marksmanship Hunters will be significantly more challenging, causing them to become a top competitor in the PvP scene.

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