HomeClass GuideBest PvP Talents & Hero Talents for Holy Priests - The War...

Best PvP Talents & Hero Talents for Holy Priests – The War Within 11.1 PvP Guide

Welcome to Skill Capped’s Guide on the Best PvP Talents & Hero Talents for Holy Priests in The War Within 11.1

All sections for Holy Priest PvP have been divided into corresponding sections for the most optimal hero talents, class talents, spec talents, race, stats, gear, enchants, gems, and macros. This will help you have a good understanding of Holy Priests in PvP for The War Within, the strengths and weaknesses associated with this specialization, and help you conquer the arena. This section will guide you on the best Holy Priest PvP Talents in The War Within.

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Table of Contents

The War Within expands our arsenal of talent options, which include our new hero talent trees, Oracle and Archon. Both builds are currently viable in the current meta, however Oracle has become slightly more favorable due to our most recent damage changes.

Starting off we have our Archon hero talents. This tree provides us with a hefty amount of modifiers tied to our Halo ability, meaning that it’s mandatory to select Halo if you want to swap from Oracle to this Hero tree. Let’s look at the core talents chosen that make up this build.

  • Power Surge makes Halo passively stronger as it summons two additional ones over the course of 10 seconds after its initial cast.
  • Incessant Screams summons a clone of your character after using Psychic Scream at the location you originally used it. After 4 seconds, it will send out another Psychic Scream. This is best against melee cleaves where you are the primary kill target, providing you some breathing room if they break out of your initial Psychic Scream.
  • Divine Halo makes Halo gravitate back to you after reaching its maximum distance, dealing a bit more AoE damage to enemy targets and healing to friendly targets, depending on who it passes through.

Hero Talents: Oracle

Next up we have our Oracle hero talents. Let’s look at the core talents chosen that make up this build.

Finally we have Clairvoyance added into our Premonition rotation, and is available to press after all three spells in the rotation have been already used. Upon pressing Clairvoyance, you receive full benefit out of Premonition of Insight, Premonition of Piety, and Premonition of Solace all at the same time, and is considered one of your biggest healing cooldowns.

One major reason why this Hero talent has higher representation is due to Preventive Measures. This talent further buffs our damaging spells which have been massively buffed in the new patch.

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Priest Class Talents

In the Priest Class talent tree, most of your talent choices will be mandatory when advancing onto each tier. Some of most noteworthy mandatory talents are:

  • Shadow Word: Death to either execute your target, or break a majority of magic based CC.
  • Phantasm offers more opportunities to land CC with Psychic Scream or avoid danger.
  • Void Shift allows you to swap health with an ally and is not affected by dampening, denying any potential kills.
  • Power Word: Life for that extra burst heal that synergizes even better with our Oracle tree, as we receive Miraculous Recovery for increase uptime and at a 50% health threshold before being able to use it.

For your flexible class talents, Inspiration can be more swapped around with other talents offered to us. This is dependent on your matchup and current composition played.

  • Improved Purify against Shadow Priests to remove Devouring Plague.
  • Void Tendrils for some extra control added into your toolkit, as you can either use it to peel melees off, or root healers out of a lengthy CC chain to extend it even further.
  • Sheer Terror if you are playing as a spread pressure comp, and want to reduce the chance of Psychic Scream breaking.
  • Mental Agility against Restoration Druid comps where you’re bound to purge a lot, or if you want to be a bit more mana conservative with Purify and Mass Dispel.

Holy Spec Talents

For our spec talents, most of these will be mandatory as you advance onto each tier. Some of the most noteworthy talents are:

  • Divine Hymn for massive AoE healing when paired with our PvP talent, Seraphic Crescendo.
  • Divine Image, which duplicates your healing spells after using a Holy Word spell for even more healing on players.
  • Apotheosis for that valuable cooldown reset and reduction on our Holy Word spells.

If you want more AoE healing out of Prayer of Mending while using our Holy Fire amplifier build, you can remove one point from Resonant Words and place it in Say Your Prayers. This can help you sustain more cleave while having your PoM bounce around for a longer duration.

Holy Priest PvP Talents

In the current meta, the most notable talent you typically never want to go without is Spirit of the Redeemer. With Seraphic Crescendo being selected as one of our Holy talents instead of a PvP talent, this frees up an additional slot we otherwise wouldn’t have.

As a soft-locked talent, we suggest picking up Phase Shift as this allows you to avoid Crowd Control and incoming damage if timed correctly. It also pairs quite nicely with Phantasm, making it more forgiving to push in and successfully throw out Holy Word: Chastise and Psychic Scream.

For our third slot we recommend selecting any of these PvP talents listed below based on the circumstance at hand. This may change depending on the matchup you’re up against.

  • Purification is quite promising, as it allows you to have an additional charge on your dispel. This is extremely helpful into setup comps, like Rogue Mage, or into Mage Lock where the enemy team will be constantly applying Crowd Control on your team.
  • Divine Ascension is another great pick in cases where you are facing melee cleaves, and you become their primary kill target.
  • Ray of Hope can be a great pick in matchups where you want to apply the most amount of healing, especially during times where you expect a team to focus down one target instead of dealing spread pressure.

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