Welcome to Skill Capped’s Guide on the Best Race for Frost Mages in The War Within 11.1
All sections for Frost Mage PvP have been divided into corresponding sections for the most optimal hero talents, class talents, spec talents, race, stats, gear, enchants, gems, and macros. This will help you have a good understanding of Frost Mages in PvP for The War Within, the strengths and weaknesses associated with this specialization, and help you conquer the arena. This section will guide you on the best Frost Mage Race in The War Within.

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Night Elf
If you plan to choose Alliance as your faction for Frost Mage in The War Within, Night Elf is your best option out of both factions. Shadowmeld is quite dynamic and offers multiple ways to effectively use this spell.
Shadowmeld as a racial ability can immune any incoming projectiles, which includes abilities that require some travel time, Mortal Coil and Chaos Bolt, and can immune instant abilities, such as Blind and Kidney Shot.
Target Dropping
When Shadowmeld has been used, it will remove you as the target or focus target to prevent players from either attacking or stopping casts immediately.
Racial Passives
Nature Resistance acts as a passive 1% damage reduction from any spell in the Nature Category. Additionally, Touch of Elune provides either Haste or Critical Strike, and is determined by server time.
As for our alternative option on the Alliance side, we have Dwarf. What makes Dwarf a promising pick is their racial Stoneform, to counteract bleed effects if either Assassination Rogue or Feral Druid continue to massacre their way up the ladder in the new upcoming season.
Stoneform Racial
Stoneform grants you a physical damage reduction, and removes all bleed, poison, disease, curse, and magic effects applied on your character.
And for our final viable Alliance race we have Human, giving you another way of escaping out of stuns.
Substitute Trinket
Will to Survive as a racial ability has similar effects to the current PvP trinket, but only removes stun effects from your character and is a 3 minute cooldown. In most cases you’ll be pairing this racial ability with our PvP Medallion trinket, allowing you to trinket out of stuns more often.
If you plan to choose Horde as your faction for Frost Mage in the War Within PvP, Orc is a solid contender to Night Elf. Your most valuable racial is Hardiness, as this reduces the duration of any stun on your character. This makes choosing Shimmer as a Frost Mage way more forgiving.
Hardiness Racial
Hardiness‘s ability grants players a passive 10% stun reduction, which is nerfed from its original 20% in PvP. Stuns used on you being a shorter duration as well as the use of a PvP trinket allow for players to slip away from danger quicker, and allow for players to be more active during a PvP game.
Blood Fury Racial
Orc gives players, Blood Fury, an on-use racial for a nice DPS boost. This can be paired with your burst cooldowns like Icy Veins to maximize your burst windows.
In cases where you want to add some change into your selection of races, Pandaren surprisingly is quite viable in ranked matchups. Quaking Palm is your strongest racial as a Pandaren, allowing you to follow up with an instant cast Crowd Control on targets in situations where you won’t be able to land a Polymorph.
Quaking Palm Racial
Pandaren gives players, Quaking Palm, a 4 second Crowd Control on the Incapacitate Diminishing Returns effect. This means you’ll want to use this at times where you’re not able to land Polymorph or Ring of Frost during crucial kill windows.

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