Welcome to Skill Capped’s Guide on the Best Race for Frost Death Knights in The War Within 11.1
All sections for Frost Death Knight PvP have been divided into corresponding sections for the most optimal hero talents, class talents, spec talents, race, stats, gear, enchants, gems, and macros. This will help you have a good understanding of Frost Death Knights in PvP for The War Within, the strengths and weaknesses associated with this specialization, and help you conquer the arena. This section will guide you on the best Frost Death Knight Race in The War Within.
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The best race you can choose from as a Frost Death Knight in the War Within PvP is Orc. This race is also the easiest to manage compared to all of our other potential races listed below. Your most valuable racial is Hardiness, as this reduces the duration of any stun on your character.
Hardiness Racial
Hardiness‘s ability grants players a passive 10% stun reduction, which is nerfed from its original 20% in PvP. Stuns used on you being a shorter duration as well as the use of a PvP trinket allow for players to slip away from danger quicker, and allow for players to be more active during a PvP game.
Blood Fury Racial
Orc gives players Blood Fury, an on-use racial for a nice DPS boost. This can be paired with your burst cooldowns like Pillar of Frost to maximize your burst windows.
Comparative to all Alliance races, we recommend Human the most. This race gives you another way of getting out of stuns, and can also affect how you choose to gear your Frost Death Knight.
Substitute Trinket
Will to Survive as a racial ability has similar effects to the current PvP trinket, but only removes stun effects from your character and is a 3 minute cooldown. You also have some flexibility using it, giving you the option to swap out your Medallion trinket for a trinket that provides more damage. Death Knights have this luxury due to the spec being more forgiving with immunities. If you choose to play with a PvP Medallion trinket as this race, you’ll be able to trinket out of stuns more often.
Pandaren are quite strong and surprisingly quite viable in ranked matchups if you play as a setup-oriented composition. This is mainly due to Quaking Palm, which allows you to apply an instant Incapacitate Crowd Control effect. You can use this to pre-emptively set up for your burst window, which can help you group up multiple targets together with Death Grip followed by Blinding Sleet.
Quaking Palm Racial
Pandaren gives players Quaking Palm, a 4 second Incapacitate Crowd Control effect. This means you’ll want to use this at times where you want to set up your Pillar of Frost burst windows with Remorseless Winter, and to help you get multiple targets stacked up for Blinding Sleet.

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