HomeClass GuideBest PvP Talents & Hero Talents for Feral Druids - The War...

Best PvP Talents & Hero Talents for Feral Druids – The War Within 11.1 PvP Guide

Welcome to Skill Capped’s Guide on the Best PvP Talents & Hero Talents for Feral Druids in The War Within 11.1

All sections for Feral Druid PvP have been divided into corresponding sections for the most optimal hero talents, class talents, spec talents, race, stats, gear, enchants, gems, and macros. This will help you have a good understanding of Feral Druids in PvP for The War Within, the strengths and weaknesses associated with this specialization, and help you conquer the arena. This section will guide you on the best Feral Druid PvP Talents in The War Within.

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Table of Contents

The War Within expands our arsenal of talent options, which include our new talent hero talent trees, Wildstalker and Druid of the Claw. With being Druid of the Claw being a bit lackluster in the current meta, we will encompass our Wildstalker hero talent tree more in depth for PvP.

Hero Talents: Wildstalker | Cleave Build

As for our preferred loadout, the build featured above is our recommended build in matchups where you want to steamroll your opponents with AoE bleed oriented burst. Down below, we have our core talents that make up this build.

For our hallmark talent, we have Thriving Growth, and described in our overview section, this provides us with bonus damage and healing coming out from Bloodseeker Vines and Symbiotic Blooms respectively. Both of these new abilities come from our periodic effects. For Bloodseeker Vines, this can apply to our targets from Rip and Rake, whereas Symbiotic Blooms can apply to our allies or ourselves from Regrowth.

Now we have more talents that require a more thorough explanation in order to optimize their effects in the arena.

You also have some flexibility with our middle choice node, as we can select Entangling Vortex to make our Ursol’s Vortex more effective.

  • Entangling Vortex is selected only if you play Ursol’s Vortex, as this ability is now enhanced with even more utility. You now root all enemies in place for 3 seconds after its initial pullback effect.
  • Flower Walk is best picked if you plan to use Mass Entanglement from our class tree, but is just as viable with Ursol’s Vortex. This talent makes you move 10% faster if Barkskin is active, while giving you minor AoE healing beneath your character.

You can also swap out Bond With Nature to Harmonious Constitution for duels or double DPS, where you are the only one who is capable of healing.

Hero Talents: Wildstalker | Single Target Build

However, you do have the option of selecting our single-target build if you expect to solely attack one target at a time. Down below are the talents that selected in this build that make our single-target damage slightly higher.

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Druid Class Talents

In the Druid Class talent tree, most of your talent choices will be mandatory when advancing onto each tier. Here are some of the noteworthy talents you will be using in The War Within.

  • Cyclone as our lengthy Crowd Control effect that makes any target affected by it immune to any incoming heal and damage.
  • Renewal provides a solid on-demand heal, and is not affected by dampening.
  • Heart of the Wild adds some extra defensive bulk to our toolkit, reduces the cast time of Cyclone, and increases our healing, primarily from Regrowth.

There is only one talent typically moved around depending on the composition that you are up against.

As for either build, you can look to opt in Matted Fur or Perfectly-Honed Instincts for extra tankiness, depending on your preference, or Innervate as 3v3 compositions instead of Remove Corruption if you aren’t against Warlocks or Shamans.

Feral Spec Talents

For our spec talents, most of these will be mandatory as you advance onto each tier. Focusing on our single target build, the most noteworthy talents are:

  • Predatory Swiftness to instantly cast either Regrowth or Entangling Roots for free regardless of what form you’re currently in. In most situations, you’ll be mainly using this on Entangling Roots to further control your opponents.
  • Bloodtalons, which is super potent to our overall bleed damage when this buff is consumed. In order to make use of this talent, you’ll need to use 3 unique combo point generating abilities within 4 seconds to buff our damage on our next 3 Rips or Ferocious Bites.
  • Berserk for that nasty buff to all of our abilities and attacks, while greatly assisting us with our combo point generation.
  • Incarnation, enhancing Berserk‘s effectiveness. Not only does it last 5 seconds longer, but it reduces our energy cost on all abilities, and allows us to use Prowl once while in combat.

Now, if you do want to play a more single-target oriented build, exactly what was featured above in our Wildstalker talents section, you’ll want to pick up Merciless Claws instead of Thrashing Claws in its respective choice node. Additionally, we advise opting out of Primal Wrath for another point in Tireless Energy to increase both our Energy regeneration rate and maximum Energy.

Feral Druid PvP Talents

With the removal of King of the Jungle, our default PvP talent loadout will be slightly different from how it was in the previous patch.

Depending on what talent build you play as in the arena, your PvP talents will be constantly swapped around due to composition variance.

If you play with our default AoE build, we recommend selecting Wicked Claws, High Winds, and Tireless Pursuit.

  • Wicked Claws is essential if you do not have a Mortal Strike effect tied to your composition, as your Infected Wounds applies a healing reduction on the target, up to 20%, and can be also applied with Rip.
  • High Winds grants you an easier time landing Cyclone, as this increases the range on our utility spells, as opposed to applying a healing and damage reduction on the affected target.
  • Tireless Pursuit is a great addition to your toolkit as it increases your overall uptime on players, or allows you to create more distance while kiting. Also, make sure to check out our macro section to min-max this buff.

If you swap out of our suggested AoE build for more single-target damage, we suggest removing King of the Jungle for Ferocious Wound, while keeping the rest in tact.

For your last PvP talent slot, all three suggested PvP talents can be swapped around with additional PvP talents depending on your matchup and current composition played. For High Winds this can be swapped around if you find yourself not needing the extra range to land Cyclone, or Wicked Claws if you already have a class on your team with a Mortal Strike effect.

  • Savage Momentum is excellent against caster comps, or against a caster that’s always bound to cast, reducing the cooldown on a few core spells by 10 seconds after successfully landing a kick.
  • Strength of the Wild is a great utility spell, as you’ll mainly gain use out of this to increase your health by 15% in Bear Form, or to buff your Regrowth healing, as the first cast has a higher chance crit, while the rest have a way quicker cast time for a short duration. You’ll commonly use this against setup comps to throw out some off-healing on your allies during your enemy’s burst windows, or to buy you enough time in Bear Form to where your healer can swoop in and help stabilize your HP.21
  • Thorns has changed in 11.1, and now activates when Barkskin is used. Thorns will only work on yourself now, dealing damage back to enemy players when Barkskin is active.

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