HomeClass GuideElemental Shaman PvP Guide - The War Within 11.1 PvP Guide

Elemental Shaman PvP Guide – The War Within 11.1 PvP Guide

Welcome to Skill Capped’s Elemental Shaman PvP Guide for The War Within 11.1

All sections for Elemental Shaman PvP have been divided into corresponding sections for the most optimal hero talents, class talents, spec talents, race, stats, gear, enchants, gems, and macros. This will help you have a good understanding of Elemental Shamans in PvP for The War Within, the strengths and weaknesses associated with this specialization, and help you conquer the arena. This section provides a brief overview of Elemental Shamans in The War Within.

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Table of Contents

What’s New for Elemental Shamans in The War Within?

The identity of Elemental Shaman has fluctuated quite a bit in The War Within, as the method of dealing the most damage is now quite different from how we have been accustomed to in Dragonflight. Instead of rotating between Lava Burst and Earth Shock constantly to deal some ridiculously high numbers, you will be more concerned with your Flame Shock uptime on as many targets you can possibly apply them to. This mainly is attributed to our reduced Lava Burst proc rate, making it more important than it used to be.

Another reason why Elemental Shamans are more focused on AoE cleave is due to our major offensive cooldowns, predominantly Primordial Wave and Ascendance.

With patch 11.1, Primordial Wave now deals direct damage instead of firing Lava Burst to all targets affected by Flame Shock, which can be seen as a nerf to our unpredictable burst. However the change to Deeply Rooted Elements allows us to receive more Ascendance procs and is now increased on spells that require more Maelstrom.

We also obtain Icefury built into our rotation, which can occasionally proc from Lava Burst, and in combination with Fusion of Elements we can send an Elemental Blast on our next Nature and Fire ability after using Icefury. Lastly, we obtain two new PvP talents; Totem of Wrath and Shamanism. Totem of Wrath is essentially the same as Skyfury Totem without much change, but Shamanism is a completely new talent Elemental Shamans receive that makes Heroism a usable cooldown in arena every minute. You’ll commonly apply this on your teammate to apply a Haste buff to them and yourself every other Primordial Wave. This makes your burst windows quite deadly.

Now, to address the most dramatic change in The War Within, we have Hero talents with two trees to choose from. These are Farseer and Stormbringer.

Playstyle for Elemental Shamans

As an Elemental Shaman, you are constantly playing goalie as you are disrupting your opponent’s win conditions and dampening your opponents until you eventually identify and execute a win condition. Elemental Shaman is heavily global-intensive in its playstyle, meaning you’ll be attempting to deal the highest damage while abusing your utility with Grounding Totem, Wind Shear, Tremor Totem, Thunderstorm, and many other spells.

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