Welcome to Skill Capped’s Guide on the Best PvP Talents & Hero Talents for Augmentation Evokers in The War Within 11.1
All sections for Augmentation Evoker PvP have been divided into corresponding sections for the most optimal hero talents, class talents, spec talents, stats, gear, enchants, gems, and macros. This will help you have a good understanding of Augmentation Evokers in PvP for The War Within, the strengths and weaknesses associated with this specialization, and help you conquer the arena. This section will guide you on the best Augmentation Evoker PvP Talents in The War Within.
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The War Within expands our arsenal of talent options, which include our new talent hero talent trees, Scalecommander and Chronowarden. With Chronowarden being a bit lackluster in the current meta, we will only expand on the recommend talent choices for Scalecommander.
Hero Talents: Scalecommander

For our preferred Augmentation loadout, we have Scalecommander. We receive some nice cleave damage out of Eruption after using any of our Empower spells thanks to Mass Eruption, and is supplemented with even more cleave from Bombardments. This is applied on the targets that were hit by Mass Eruption. The damage we receive from this talent can also proc from our allies’ damaging spells, helping us with our throughput when we can’t always maintain uptime on targets.
However, let’s delve deeper and fully understand the effectiveness of some talents in this Hero tree that are most significant to our rotation.
- Melt Armor makes Deep Breath more of a burst oriented cooldown once you land, as your Bombardment and Essence ability damage is buffed by 20% for 12 seconds.
- Diverted Power makes it important to use Mass Eruption as soon as you can, giving you more Eruption casts thanks to its increased Essence Burst generation. This helps you extend your Ebon Might duration on allies.
- Maneuverability allows us to steer our Deep Breath, which allows us to stun targets we normally wouldn’t be able to without this talent. This also applies a solid periodic DoT on the target affected by Deep Breath.

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Evoker Class Talents
For your Evoker Talent tree, this will be your typical default build, which will also include some flexibility options listed in all tiers of the tree. Making sure how to optimize this build while creating the tree will help you advance onto additional tiers until completion.
Starting off, in the second tier you have one flexible talent, Ancient Flame, that can be swapped around for Forger of Mountains or Unravel.
- Forger of Mountains can be an impactful pick against double melee compositions that are attempting to run you down. This will grant you more root uptime, and your root becomes less likely to break.
- Unravel can a promising pick into Discipline Priests with how massive their shield absorbs are.
Now let’s provide a more, in depth understanding of some of the core talents selected in order to master your performance as an Augmentation Evoker.
- Time Spiral, as our core talent, gives us some much needed mobility, while also providing an additional way to support our team. This becomes more effective when your healer is another Evoker, as you can increase each other’s Hover uptime.
- Scarlet Adaptation rewards you with more Living Flame damage for supporting your team with off-healing.
- Tip the Scales is one of the only offensive cooldowns you have, and it makes your burst damage much stronger and more unpredictable. You’ll most commonly use this with Upheaval or Fire Breath for direct burst.
- Rescue and Twin Guardian will give you enormous utility inside of the arena. These two talents allow you to grip your teammates out of danger, while also applying a shield absorb on both you and your teammate.
Augmentation Spec Talents
All of the talents for your Augmentation talent tree are mostly mandatory with few flexible options to choose from. Your default loadout will maximize the strength of your allies, while also having some burst output in between.
Let’s consider the flexible talents that are available to choose depending on your composition played.
- Rockfall can be swapped out for Chrono Ward if you want to make your team feel a bit tankier. In order for Chrono Ward to take into effect, this requires your teammates to attack targets affected by Breath of Eons.
- Bestow Weyrnstone allows a teammate to teleport to your located, and should be chosen instead of Stretch Time. This is used primarily against Balance Druids to allow you Healer to escape Root + Solar Beam combos.
Now, Let’s explain the default loadout in more detail, especially the talents that greatly impact the playstyle of Augmentation Evoker.
- Time Skip reduces the cooldown of your abilities by 1000%, and requires a 2 second channel in order to receive full benefit out of it.
- Breath of Eons applies Temporal Wound on friendly targets, granting them additional Arcane damage from their damage dealt.
- Blistering Scales increases armor of the friendly target, and deals damage whenever a stack is removed. This will only break from melee attacks.
Augmentation Evoker PvP Talents
For Augmentation Evoker PvP talents, these listed below will be you default loadout in most games.
- Obsidian Mettle gives you Aura Mastery with your Obsidian Scales, which you have two charges of thanks to Obsidian Bulwark.
- Unburdened Flight is amazing as it strengthens your mobility and uptime on targets, especially against Melees and Frost Mages. This immunes all snare effects when Hover is active, and serves the most value when you think you could be a kill target.
- Scouring Flame adds a dispel mechanic to your Fire Breath. Since you will be casting this spell a lot, this is free added pressure, especially against specs that require a lot of buffs, like Resto Druids or Mages.
For your flexible talents, these can be swapped with Scouring Flame based on the composition you are facing.
- Time Stop is an instant-cast Cyclone that you can only use on friendly targets, including yourself. You could use it to stop massive damage waves on your teammates or even on your healer to avoid CC. It is one of those cooldowns that have a fairly balanced risk to reward ratio.
- Nullifying Shroud provides immunity to 3 Crowd Control effects in a row. The only downside is that it is susceptible to Dispel and even worse – Spellsteal. This can make this PvP talent avoided when facing Mages.
- Born in Flame provides extra damage during Ebon Might with Living Flame.
- Seismic Slam can be a potential pick if your composition isn’t comprised of a multitude of stun effects.
Unlock your PvP potential with Skill Capped. Our brand new Skill Capped UI for The War Within will fast track your success, offering everything you need to set up your UI like a pro in just seconds. Skill Capped members can download the complete addon package from our site and unlock premium profiles for BetterBlizzPlates, OmniBar, and OmniCD to gain visual and in depth insights that enhance your gameplay and give you the edge over your opponents. With Skill Capped, you’ll start climbing the ladder in no time.