Welcome to Skill Capped’s Guide on the Best PvP Talents & Hero Talents for Arms Warriors in The War Within 11.1
All sections for Arms Warrior PvP have been divided into corresponding sections for the most optimal hero talents, class talents, spec talents, race, stats, gear, enchants, gems, and macros. This will help you have a good understanding of Arms Warriors in PvP for The War Within, the strengths and weaknesses associated with this specialization, and help you conquer the arena. This section will guide you on the best Arms Warrior PvP Talents in The War Within.

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The War Within expands our arsenal of talent options, which include our new talent hero talent trees, Slayer and Colossal. After testing both Hero talent trees, Slayer currently has higher representation but Colossal is still a viable pick in the current meta.
Let’s delve deeper and understand how to best allocate your Hero talents down below.
Hero Talents: Slayer

Starting off we have our Slayer Hero tree, which enhances our consistent throughput coming out of Bladestorm and Execute. Let’s delve deeper and obtain a deeper understanding for some of these talents.
- Slayer’s Dominance passively increases our damage as we gain both Slayer’s Strike for added consistent pressure, and Marked for Execution for bonus Execute damage.
- Imminent Demise relies on how many Slayer’s Strike procs we throw out. Once we deal damage with three of them, we receive a Sudden Death proc, and after using it, we make Bladestorm hit an additional time, up to three extra strikes, without changing its duration.
- Cyclone Culling increases our single target and spread pressure from our Bladestorm.
- Unrelenting Onslaught reduces the cooldown of our Bladestorm when we consume Marked for Execution, and grants us 2 stacks of Overwhelmed as an added bonus to our damage. Additionally, we can now use Pummel and Storm Bolt during Bladestorm, making our rotation feel more streamlined.
Hero Talents: Colossal

Next up we have our Colossus Hero tree, which provides us with more coordinated burst from our hallmark node, Demolish. When Demolish is used, you become way less likely to get peeled since it immunes you from all stuns, slows, and knockbacks. Not to mention, we receive some solid quality of life improvements to our toolkit, such as Martial Expert for a minor survivability boost and some crit damage modifiers, as well as Boneshaker to enhance our Shockwave.
Now, let’s delve deeper and fully understand some of the talent points we receive from this Hero tree.
- Colossal Might buffs your next Demolish by 10% more damage per stack, originally up to 5 stacks. With Dominance of the Colossus, this effect doubles to 10 stacks. You’ll naturally be ramping up stacks from Mortal Strike and Execute.
- Dominance of the Colossus not only allows you to generate double the amount of Colossal Might stacks, but reduces the cooldown on Demolish if we generate a stack while having maximum stacks. All targets affected by Demolish take more damage and deal less damage to you for 10 seconds, which scales based on the amount of Colossal Might stacks you consume. While channeling Demolish, you want to cleave as many targets as you can in order to maximize its effect.

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Warrior Class Talents
In the Warrior Class talent tree, most of your talent choices will be mandatory when advancing onto each tier. Some of most noteworthy mandatory talents are:
- Thunder Clap, making it even easier to spread our Rend to nearby targets.
- Shockwave, which when paired with Rumbling Earth, is your primary AoE stun, and is exceptional into melee cleave comps.
- Thunderous Roar for that extra AoE bleed to add more to our sustained pressure.
There’s also the selection between Piercing Howl and Berserker Shout.
- Berserker Shout allows us to break fears on our allies, and is highly suggested to pick up if you are facing a composition that has any kind of Fear related Crowd Control.
- Piercing Howl is our pick in cases where we gain no benefit out of Berserker Shout, giving us more uptime on our abilities as this applies a massive AoE snare effect to nearby targets.
For your flexible class talents, we have a few adaptations worth making. It’s important to take in consideration that each talent tree requires a set amount of talent points in order to progress in the next tier of talents, meaning that some flexible talents will only be exclusive to specific tiers.
Specifically in our final tier, we have option to remove all talents underneath Thunderous Roar for Champion’s Spear and Champion’s Might. This is based on personal preference and is best against classes where you struggle with maintaining uptime.
In our second tier, we have the option of opting out of Second Wind for any of these optional talents you may want to select. These are based on personal preference and what you’re currently up against.
- Fast Footwork to slightly increase your uptime on targets.
- Shattering Throw against classes with magical immunities, particularly Paladins and Mages.
We can also swap out our Piercing Howl and Berserker Shout node for Rumbling Earth into non-Warrior melee cleaves and pets to increase our uptime on Shockwave.
Arms Spec Talents
For our spec talents, most of these will be mandatory as you advance onto each tier. Some of the most noteworthy talents are:
- Bladestorm, as one of our primary burst cooldowns, which has many modifiers attached to it, from our Slayer Hero tree, for increased uptime and damage.
- Unhinged, which applies Mortal Strike during our Bladestorm to 2 nearby targets, and now allows us to select who we want Mortal Strike to hit depending on who we target. Using Sweeping Strikes beforehand now causes Mortal Strike to hit an additional target.
- Executioner’s Precision adds to our consistent pressure from the abundance of Execute procs we receive from our suggested Hero talent tree, increasing the amount of damage we deliver from Mortal Strike.
There are some nodes in our talent tree that can be interchangeable, the first being Warbreaker or Blunt Instruments, as both talents are considered viable depending on your preferred playstyle.
- Warbreaker is the most preferred option, as this allows you to spread Colossus Smash on all nearby targets without having to utilize Sweeping Strikes. This makes your cleave pressure even more powerful, especially when paired with Bladestorm, without much effort.
- Blunt Instruments can be a promising alternative to Warbreaker, especially in cases where you want to deal the most amount of burst with your Colossus Smash, but requires you to use Sweeping Strikes to apply an additional Colossus Smash on a nearby target.
Arms Warrior PvP Talents
In the current meta, your default Arms PvP talent loadout will typically include Storm of Destruction, Sharpen Blade, and Battlefield Commander.
- Storm of Destruction increases your uptime from its snare effect, and applies Mortal Wounds to any target hit by Bladestorm.
- Sharpen Blade reduces healing by half on the target you use your next Mortal Strike on, and should be pressed before using Bladestorm for more added pressure coming from Unhinged.
- Battlefield Commander is just a passively strong option, as this makes all of our shouts way better than before. The most notable effects are Rallying Cry now breaking all root effects after used, and the cooldown reduction on Intimidating Shout, giving us yet another win condition as this makes our fear cooldown not line up with the enemy healer’s trinket.
Finally, you can swap to/from Storm of Destruction, or Battlefield Commander if the enemy team doesn’t have any fear-like Crowd Control, for any of these flexible talents.
- Disarm is only valuable into a select group of classes; Rogues, Warriors, and Hunters. These are best used on their primary offensive cooldown to prevent the enemy team from snowballing massive pressure.
- Berserker Roar can be quite impactful, reacting identical to War Banner‘s effect on teammates without having an object placed down. This talent requires you to have Berserker Shout selected in your class talents in order for this PvP talent to work.

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