Welcome to Skill Capped’s Arcane Mage PvP Guide for The War Within 11.1
All sections for Arcane Mage PvP have been divided into corresponding sections for the most optimal hero talents, class talents, spec talents, race, stats, gear, enchants, gems, and macros. This will help you have a good understanding of Arcane Mages in PvP for The War Within, the strengths and weaknesses associated with this specialization, and help you conquer the arena. This section provides a brief overview of Arcane Mages in The War Within.
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What’s New for Arcane Mages in The War Within?
Arcane Mage has experienced some slight change in our talent trees that make this spec more promising in The War Within. For our class tree, we receive some enhancements to our survivability thanks to Barrier Diffusion, which provides us with more absorb uptime throughout the course of a game. Thankfully, this increases our Overpowered Barrier uptime, which is new to 11.1, and upon it being fully absorbed we receive some extra defensive utility after using Blink.
Additionally, Ring of Frost is now on a choice node with Ice Nova, and since we aren’t a Shatter based spec like Frost Mage, we almost always grab Ring of Frost to Crowd Control our opponents using a different spell school.
Now, focusing on our specialization tree, we have a variety of talents that have been added that make our rotation more burst-oriented than before. Now in 11.1 we obtain new talents such as Intuition for some unscripted burst from Arcane Barrage when it procs, and our tier set provides us with a weaker version of Aether Attunement. From this tier set change, we can opt for High Voltage instead of Aether Attunement in our spec talents for more fluid gameplay.
We also have Arcane Debilitation and Time Loop giving us a considerable damage modifier if we stack it up quickly on our target from Arcane Missiles. Using this effectively could help set up a deadly one shot with Arcane Barrage thanks to our Arcane Harmony and Arcane Bombardment talents.
Finally, we have the holy grail of The War Within, and where most of the new talents come from; Hero talents. As an Arcane Mage, you have two to choose from. These are Sunfury and Spellslinger.
Arcane Mage Playstyle
This spec is quite complex in comparison to most specs, mainly because of its damage rotation. Although this might be discouraging for new players, Arcane can deal some heavy burst damage if their rotation is mastered.
Mage as a class has a good amount of mobility and control comparative to most specs. By playing this class, you receive a wide array of tools that can either help you avoid damage taken, or to reposition and attack your opponents. Arcane has the strongest mobility thanks to our PvP talent Chrono Shift, making it the easiest Mage spec to reposition as.

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