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This guide was made in collaboration with multiple current Rank 1 Gladiators, but is designed to represent the entire arena ladder.
To help understand how these rankings work, we assume the following:
S tier specs are expected to have the highest winrate against equally skilled opponents.
A tier specs are expected to have positive winrates against equally skilled opponents.
B tier specs represent the “average” comp, and have a relatively equal distribution of winning and losing matchups
C tier specs are generally weak into the meta and are expected to lose against most higher tier comps
A visual representation can be found here.
Other important notes:
This list is an ongoing project and will be updated periodically
If you don’t see a comp listed, it MIGHT be weaker than C tier, but could also mean that it is too experimental to properly rank or simply an oversight.
Best 2v2 Comps for Death Knight
B+ Tier – Unholy Death Knight

Unholy Death Knight / Restoration Druid, Preservation Evoker, Holy Paladin, or Discipline Priest
Although this spec has fallen down from its previous ranking due to its recent damage nerfs, Unholy still remains relevant and competitive thanks to the amount of viable offensive healers. This allows them to setup with their teammate to deliver some powerful setups. Not only is this super influential in how Unholy feels in the current meta, but they have multiple short bursty cooldowns like Apocalypse and Dark Transformation to cleave multiple targets.
C Tier – Frost Death Knight

Frost Death Knight / Preservation Evoker
What places Frost Death Knight in C Tier is how linear its win conditions are, making it quite restrictive in terms of strategy. This means players can easily play around it to counter your burst. It’s a combination of running around the map while your cooldowns are down and then trying to set up a massive burst window every 45 seconds with Pillar of Frost.
Due to this, we highly recommend playing with a Preservation Evoker who can follow up with some solid AoE stuns with Oppressing Roar and Deep Breath.
Best 2v2 Comps for Demon Hunters
B Tier – Havoc Demon Hunter

Havoc Demon Hunter / Restoration Druid, Preservation Evoker, Discipline Priest, or Restoration Shaman
Although Demon Hunter has been iconic in the 2v2 bracket with how much consistent damage this spec can provide, it has fallen behind quite a bit despite recent buffs to their throughput. With the nerfs focusing towards Chaos Brand, this means we become more reliant on offensive healers to assist us in closing out games.
Best 2v2 Comps for Druids
S Tier – Feral Druid

Feral Druid / Discipline Priest or Holy Paladin
Comparative to most specs, Feral Druid is extremely strong in the current meta and deserves its title as S tier. They have a solid balance of control, damage, and defense that makes them so impactful in the arena. The best composition you’ll see them play is with a Discipline Priest, as they can produce a solid amount of extra damage to put your opponents on edge.
C Tier – Balance Druid

Balance Druid / Restoration Shaman or Preservation Evoker
Balance Druid has always been seen as too clunky to perform in this bracket, as the only way to secure wins is during your Incarnation or Root Beam windows. Aside from that, you do need a healer that provides enough control and damage to secure wins, to which Restoration Shaman and Preservation Evoker suit that role the best.
Best 2v2 Comps for Evokers
B+ Tier – Devastation Evoker

Devastation Evoker / Discipline Priest or Preservation Evoker
Devastation Evoker has actually been ranked slightly lower in the 2v2 scene, solely due to how powerful higher ranked specs currently are in the meta. However, melees still have a difficult time taking them down due to how slippery this spec can be. This is due to talents like Unburdened Flight that providing them with a snare immunity during Hover, and Slipstream giving them another charge of Hover every time they Deep Breath. They can definitely pack a punch from Disintegrate alone, and when paired with any one of our offensive healers listed above we definitely see this spec taking out their opponents relatively quick and unexpectedly.
Best 2v2 Comps for Hunters
B Tier – Marksmanship Hunter

Marksmanship Hunter / Restoration Druid, Preservation Evoker, or Discipline Priest
Marksmanship Hunter has suffered some massive blows on its damage profile, mainly due to its rework for Dark Ranger. Additionally, this spec needs a teammate that can reliably lock down your opponents to enable their damage as opposed to a 3v3 or Solo-Shuffle bracket. Marksmanship Hunters are preferred with any healer that can control their target at ease, especially Restoration Druids with the amount of stuns and even Cyclone casts they can use to follow up off traps to secure wins.
S Tier – Beast Mastery Hunter

Beast Mastery Hunter / Restoration Druid, Preservation Evoker, or Discipline Priest
Beast Mastery has always stayed relevant due to its consistent damage output, and is now even stronger thanks to our Dark Ranger rework for more consistent throughput and cleave damage. Typically healers struggle the most from this spec since its constantly pressuring one target and looking for Crowd Control on healers to secure wins. This is especially potent during deep dampening, which is always kicking in relatively fast during 2v2 matchups.
A+ Tier – Survival Hunter

Survival Hunter / Restoration Druid, Preservation Evoker, or Discipline Priest
Survival benefits heavily on consistent damage and swaps, and from their talent rework in 11.0.5 this spec now has a lot more finishing power. With this in mind, having some type of offensive healer further assist us with our goals. Even though Restoration Druid isn’t relatively known for providing damage, having your healer land some solid Cyclone casts on low-health targets could be just as good to help reset Diminishing Returns and score a kill.
DISCLAIMER: Survival Hunter is hard and requires a lot of practice in order to climb competitively.
Best 2v2 Comps for Mages
B Tier – Frost Mage

Frost Mage / Discipline Priest or Restoration Druid
Starting off with Frost Mage, instead of playing solely on a Rogue like Mages have been conditioned to in the past, playing with a Discipline Priest or even a Restoration Druid could keep the momentum in your favor. The only downside of playing as a caster is that it’s extremely easy for high-tier melees to shut you down, especially with the amount of mobility Rogues and Feral Druids have nowadays.
The best way to set up burst windows is with Snowdrift as your only method of stunning the opposing team while benefitting off Shatter when stunned.
C Tier – Fire Mage

Fire Mage / Restoration Druid, Discipline Priest, or Subtlety Rogue
With the most recent changes, Fire is less reliant on Glass Cannon to build pressure as they have received a variety of buffs to their core damaging spells. Although you can play with a Sub Rogue, higher ranked healers like Discipline Priest will make you struggle in terms of getting a win. You can play with either a Discipline Priest for more pressure or even a Restoration Druid to win in deep dampening.
C Tier – Arcane Mage

Arcane Mage / Restoration Druid, Discipline Priest, or Subtlety Rogue
Comparative to all mage specs, Arcane is a bit more methodical in terms of playstyle but still achieve wins playing as comps similar to Fire Mage. Subtlety Rogue will be best suited for more skilled players as setups can easily be disrupted, and requires more team coordination to win games.
DISCLAIMER: Arcane Mage is hard and requires a lot of practice in order to climb competitively.
Best 2v2 Comps for Monks
A Tier – Windwalker Monk

Windwalker Monk / Restoration Shaman, Preservation Evoker, or Discipline Priest
Windwalker Monks still are a great choice in 2v2, as they serve a role similar to a brawler as opposed to a calculated tactician. This spec can really lack the finishing power in most cases, to which your best bet is to pair with a healer that can greatly assist you during your Leg Sweep burst windows. This could be by following up with more control or more damage.
Best 2v2 Comps for Paladins
B Tier – Retribution Paladin

Retribution Paladin / Discipline Priest or Preservation Evoker
Retribution Paladin can deliver some solid burst during their Avenging Wrath or even during every Wake of Ashes if Radiant Glory is used, but still lack the finishing power to close games. A majority of their damage comes from their Hero talents, especially Dawnlight with its spread pressure and occasional Blessing of An’she procs. In order to make up for this weakness, this spec relies on a healer that can deal some extra damage to execute your targets during your Avenging Wrath burst windows.
Best 2v2 Comps for Priests
B Tier – Shadow Priest

Shadow Priest / Restoration Druid, Preservation Evoker, Holy Paladin, or Restoration Shaman
Shadow Priest is a spec that can deal some heavy burst as long as their primary kill target is locked down. Having a healer that has some control built in their toolkit while enabling them to cast is going to suit the best in the current meta. Restoration Druids best fit this description as they can provide you with Maim or Bash during your Dark Ascension or Void Eruption burst windows.
DISCLAIMER: Shadow Priest is hard and requires a lot of practice in order to climb competitively.
Best 2v2 Comps for Rogues
B+ Tier – Subtlety Rogue

Subtlety Rogue / Discipline Priest or Preservation Evoker
Although this spec is super powerful with the amount of damage and control it possesses, it requires deep dampening to secure wins. This means you have to play with a healer that can keep you sustained for a longer period of time in order to finish off games. Sub Rogues also deal some solid consistent damage with Rupture thanks to Dark Brew and Replicating Shadows, giving you more opportunities to swap around and get a target low enough before stun-locking your kill target with Shadow Dance.
DISCLAIMER: Subtlety Rogue is hard and requires a lot of practice in order to climb competitively.
A Tier – Assassination Rogue

Assassination Rogue / Discipline Priest, Restoration Druid, or Preservation Evoker
As a spec that’s more friendly to pick up than Subtlety, Assassination retains its role as a attrition-based spec similar to a Feral Druid. You can expect this spec to succeed relatively well in a BM hunter meta, as Assa gains more primary stat from Scent of Blood depending on how many Ruptures they can have up. Since this spec focuses on maximizing damage, you’ll want to pick up a healer that can assist with that goal as many of your wins will occur during deep dampening.
Only downside of this spec is that Preservation Evokers and Survival Hunters can easily counteract their bleeds with a simple bleed purge, even with Cauterizing Flame being available every minute as opposed to Deathmark‘s 2 minute cooldown.
B+ Tier – Outlaw Rogue

Outlaw Rogue / Discipline Priest, Restoration Druid, or Preservation Evoker
This specialization is most notoriously known for high-APM gameplay, and is constantly trying to reach high dampening which Outlaw excels at. Look at picking up any one of the meta healers, or even a Restoration Druid to reach that dampening threshold and overwhelm the opposing team with consistent damage.
DISCLAIMER: Outlaw Rogue is hard and requires a lot of practice in order to climb competitively.
Best 2v2 Comps for Shamans
B Tier – Enhancement Shaman

Enhancement Shaman / Discipline Priest or Preservation Evoker
Although Enhancement Shaman doesn’t have a healing reduction effect, this spec now receives some finishing power in order to keep the momentum on your favor. Due to this, games are less likely to be drawn out and high in dampening, which makes us thrive more often where our self-healing is the most effective.
However, this spec struggles in high dampening matchups, which makes your self-healing a bit more lackluster and overall more susceptible to death.
B Tier – Elemental Shaman

Elemental Shaman / Restoration Druid or Preservation Evoker
Although this spec has received some heavy buffs to their burst and consistent cleave damage, this spec has similar issues to what Enhancement experiences; no healing reduction effect. Even with it being a support hybrid, this makes games go high in dampening and makes your self-healing relatively weak.
Best 2v2 Comps for Warlocks
B+ Tier – Affliction Warlock

Affliction Warlock / Restoration Druid, Preservation Evoker, or Restoration Shaman
Affliction can be quite scary to face with how much cleave and instant cast direct damage they can deal, making them ranked slightly higher than they were before. The biggest problem with this spec is that Affliction does not have a healing reduction effect, and are easily chewed out against our higher ranked specs. That being said, this spec requires a healer that can enable their offensive pressure, especially Restoration Druids with their variety of stun effects.
A Tier – Demonology Warlock

Demonology Warlock / Restoration Druid, Preservation Evoker, or Restoration Shaman
Demonology is the only specialization for Warlock that has a reliable healing reduction effect from their pet. This shifts your focus to play not to lose and dwindle your opposing healer’s mana bar down to zero once dampening is high enough. Although Demonology has to constantly open up it’s cast bar to deal damage, this weakness is now lessened to a degree as they receive more instant casts on Demonic Core. This is a huge quality of life improvement to the spec, allowing them to somewhat catch up to some of our higher ranked specs in this tier list.
B Tier – Destruction Warlock

Destruction Warlock / Restoration Druid, Preservation Evoker, or Restoration Shaman
Although Destruction has a lot of instant cast damage built into their toolkit, they experience the same problem that Demonology does, getting shut down heavily by high-tier melees. This is most prevalent at times where you need to cast Chaos Bolt or Soul Fire to finish games. Again, you’ll need a healer that can play offensive in terms of control or damage to secure wins.
Best 2v2 Comps for Warriors
A Tier – Fury Warrior

Fury Warrior / Restoration Druid, Preservation Evoker, or Restoration Shaman
Although Fury Warrior has been bombarded with nerfs at the beginning of the expansion, this spec can continue to dish out a solid amount of pressure on their opponents. However, Fury’s weakness is their lack of survivability, making them quite easy to execute compared to other higher-tier melees. Expect to play with a healer that can deliver a lot of throughput healing, damage, and some control to keep them on their target.
A Tier – Arms Warrior

Arms Warrior / Restoration Druid, Preservation Evoker, or Restoration Shaman
Arms is also experienced some recent buffs to some of their core damaging spells, to which has risen their rankings in the current meta. Similar to Fury, this spec is heavily reliant on a healer that is comprised of a solid amount of healing throughput and control to keep the momentum in their favor.
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