HomeAddonsSkill Capped UI - The Best Cataclysm Classic WoW PvP Addons

Skill Capped UI – The Best Cataclysm Classic WoW PvP Addons

Welcome to Skill Capped’s Guide on Setting Up The Best WoW PvP Addons Using Skill Capped UI

This PvP addon will be your cheat code for optimizing your gameplay in Cataclysm Classic. Throughout this guide, we will provide you a step by step process of how to install this PvP addon, and a brief description of Skill Capped’s customized profiles for each addon. These customized addons will optimize your performance in PvP. If you don’t prefer a certain add-on included in our package, you have the option when opening your World of Warcraft client to remove any add-ons you choose. If you want to add extra features onto our UI addon, we have premium, exclusive addons that can be obtained when becoming a premium Skill Capped subscriber.

A new expansion offers new possibilities to learn different information that has been added, changed, or removed in the game. Our Skill Capped guide will provide you with that information at ease through our specialized premium courses. Consult with the best PvP players with years of PvP competitive experience. They will teach you how to be ahead of the composition. Sign up today to get a 5% discount and jumpstart your Cataclysm PvP climb with a +400 rating guarantee.


So, what is this addon and the benefit of installing it? Skill Capped has created a custom pre-built UI, allowing an easier visualization to what is occurring in any PvP scenario. In order to understand what makes this so essential to use for all PvPers, we will go over a brief overview of the addons are that are equipped with this UI package.


  1. Go to our new Cataclysm website here.
  2. Click the Addons tab and click download in order to have access to our addon pack.
  3. The following steps will be listed below in the Skill Capped UI addon tab.

If you want an alternative way of downloading, our Addon package is available in CurseForge for automatic installation.

You can also follow the video guide on our site to help get yourself setup and join our Discord server to access our addon support channel where our team is available to help troubleshoot any issues you may be having.

Premium Addon Package Installation

  1. Type /sc in your chat box.
  2. Click the dropdown on the left to enter the import window.
  3. Place the code to import our profile for Plater, Omnibar, and OmniCD.

In order to find your import code, follow these steps.

  1. Go to our Cataclysm website listed here.
  2. Click the Addons tab.
  3. Then generate the code to paste in game.

Premium Addons

The first couple addons that will be mentioned are the premium addons that are exclusive to Skill Capped subscribers.


Our Premium Plater profile displays all effects applied on targets. This includes DoT effects, slows, maintenance debuffs on one row, and active enemy defensive cooldowns on a separate row featured above the nameplate. There is also a white border that is featured what targeting a player, making it easier to visualize what target you are currently on without having to look at your target player frame.

skill capped pvp addon cataclysm plater
Defensive cooldowns are displayed on the left hand side of enemy nameplates. There is a highlighted white border also shown when targeting an enemy player.

Class icons are above friendly nameplates. This makes it easy to know where your teammate is, and is especially beneficial for Healers. There is a combo point indicator underneath your enemy target, allowing you to see how many current combo points you have available. This profile also has the numbers 1, 2, and 3 above their nameplate, helping you know what enemy player will be affected by your arena 1, arena 2, and arena 3 macros.

skill capped pvp addon cataclysm plater
Shaman icon is displayed above the friendly nameplate, as well the number above the enemy nameplates to easily distinguish what target will be affected by arena 1, 2, and 3 macros without looking at Gladdy.

Lastly, we also hide nameplates on minor annoyances.

skill capped pvp addon cataclysm plater
Mirror Images are being hidden to reduce visual clutter.


For our customized OmniBar profile, we have created multiple categories of spells, making it easier to visually see spells grouped together that are either interrupts, defensive cooldowns, Crowd Control, and Crowd Control prevention.

skill capped pvp addon cataclysm omnibar
This is how your main BigDebuffs categories will look like. Listed at the top is your enemy defensive cooldowns, defensive cooldowns in the middle, and interrupts at the bottom.

Our last category is our Crowd Control prevention spells, as the spells provided here will be used by enemy players to shut down any casted Crowd Control spell. This includes spells such as Grounding Totem, Spell Reflection, and even Dark Simulacrum. This category will be placed right above your control frame in Gladius.

skill capped pvp addon cataclysm omnibar
Dark Simulacrum and Fear Ward is highlighted above Gladdy, allowing you to see those any cooldowns that may impact your control effect spells.


For our last premium profile provided in our Skill Capped UI pack, this will track the most relevant cooldowns from yourself and allies. These relevant cooldowns will show PvP Trinkets, defensive cooldowns, and any major Crowd Control ability that their specialization offers.

skill capped pvp addon cataclysm omnicd
Highlighted here are important cooldowns that you and your teammates have that are usable or on cooldown.

Non-Premium Addons

For the rest of the addons, these will be available to anyone who installs the Skill Capped UI package, and will be customized and positioned to allow more optimization on how you can react to enemy players more effectively.


For our first addon that is available when downloading our Skill Capped UI is WeakAuras, which includes a lot of customized features that make it easier to see major enemy cooldowns, buffs and debuffs, damage modifiers, and any missing class buffs in seperate sections and locations. There are additional WeakAuras included that provide notification with class buffs not active, and a Healer drink notification.

skill capped pvp addon cataclysm weakauras
Enemy major offensive cooldowns are shown at the top of the screen. This will provide a visual indicator of an offensive cooldown that has been pressed from enemy players, allowing you to react more quickly.
skill capped pvp addon cataclysm weakauras
Your specialization damage modifiers appear on the right hand side of your character. This helps visually see your cooldowns easier without having to look directly at the top right of your screen.

For our Skill Capped UI package, we have placed defensive buffs and offensive debuffs directly in the center of your character, allowing you to easily notice if you are safe, or that a lot of damage will be directed your way.

There also is a psuedo replacement for the Blizzard personal resource display in Retail. Cataclysm Classic does not have this implemented, making this extremely helpful to see your HP, Mana, and combo points.

skill capped pvp addon cataclysm weakauras
Defensive buffs and offensive debuffs can be seen here in the center of your character. Directly below it features our custom Personal Resource Display.


For Gladdy, we have preserved the exact same functionality as the Gladius addon. Diminishing return categories are visible to the left of Health Bars, and any Crowd Control used is indicated on top of the class icon.

skill capped pvp addon cataclysm gladdy
Size of casted spells increased from enemy players for a bigger visual cue. Also, the racial cooldown has been placed directly next to the right of the PvP trinket.

Shaman totem visibility has been increased, making it easier to target and kill off certain totems, including Grounding Totem, Tremor Totem, Healing Stream Totem, Spirit Link Totem, and Mana Tide Totem.

skill capped pvp addon cataclysm gladdy
Healing Stream Totem icon has been enlarged and assists with determining the type of totem placed.


This will show any Control Control DRs that are effecting your character. The DRs will be displayed on the top of your player frame. Having this displayed to you will help you know when it’s safe to push in without having to worry about being in control effects.

skill capped pvp addon cataclysm diminish
Diminishing Return categories placed here above player frame.


BigDebuffs is one of your most valuable addons to display buff and debuff effects to your character or allies. Skill Capped UI has increased the size of these important Crowd Control debuffs on your unit frames, making it more easier to visualize what is controlling your target.

For our Skill Capped UI, we have adjusted the size and number restriction in terms of other debuffs, and have increased the maximum buff limit to 6. This includes more buffs to be displayed on your unit frames, and will be very valuable for Healers.

We have also provided more visual clarity to our nameplates, as these will display active control and damage immunities to the right of the nameplate.

skill capped pvp addon cataclysm bigdebuffs
Here shows the size of these important Crowd Control debuffs on your unit frames.


BuffOverlay will represent your specialization’s defensive cooldowns onto your unit frame, allowing you to see which party member on your team has the defensive cooldown been applied to.

skill capped pvp addon cataclysm buffioverlay
Active defensive cooldowns applied on a player is placed here in unit frames.


Easy Frames will display your class icon instead of your character portrait. As a minor added change to avoid any visual clutter, we have removed the hit indicator that is shown on your player frame.

Your player frame, focus frame, and target frame have increased Health bars, as well as a display of class colors. When looking at the target and focus enemy target frames, the size of buffs and debuffs have been scaled up slightly, and have made highlights over any dispellable buffs.

skill capped pvp addon cataclysm easy frames
This is how the Health pools will look for the player, target, and focus frame. All frames has a class portrait as seen in the player frame.

Loss of Control Alert

This provides a simple display that shows any active Crowd Control on your character directly in the center of your screen. This is not in the default UI for Cataclysm Classic as it is in Retail.

skill capped pvp addon cataclysm loss of control alert
Loss of Control alert highlighted in the center of your screen as shown here.


Having FrameSort automatically places your character at the bottom of your raid frames. This makes it easier to visually determine the number of your party member, and is specifically helpful when using your party1 and party2 macros.

skill capped pvp addon cataclysm frame sort
Top player on unit frames is affected by party 1 macros, and middle player is affected by party 2 macros. This will be displayed in this fashion.


This will be exclusively helpful when playing in either Random or Rated Battlegrounds, as this will help you to target enemy players anywhere on the map in any battleground.


As one of our miscellaneous addons, the most iconic addon, Details, will be placed on the bottom left of your UI. This will allow you compare any specific damage and healing breakdowns, as well as checking death logs.


This addon is essential for key-bind and ability bar maintenance. We have designed our Bartender profile to represent retail’s default settings, as this includes the 5 main bars shown in our UI.

Also, we have placed bags and other additional buttons over onto the bottom right corner of the screen.

As Cataclysm Classic has not introduced a quick key-bind system, Bartender is equipped with this functionality, allowing you to customize your key-binds more easily.

If you want to maintain the classic feel while playing Cataclysm Classic, you can choose to disable this feature when importing our Skill Capped addon package.


For our last addon we have included in this package, these will be settings that have been automatically configured and imported into your UI. Some of these addons are completely hidden.

  • Your Spell Queue Window is set to your current Latency + 100. This adjusts the windows of your next predicted spell cast.
  • Provides an increase to the maximum camera distance, and sets camera to never adjust.
  • Your target of target is automatically enabled, and includes sticky targeting. Sticky targeting makes sure that you keep targeting and attacking a target if you accidentally mis-click on the ground.
  • Enables projected textures, as this will help you visually seeing any ground AoE spells, especially Ring of Frost.
  • Instant Quest Text enabled for leveling.
  • Auto Loot is automatically enabled in your settings.

With all of these addons imported directly into your World of Warcraft client, and requiring hours or even days to readjust the settings, our UI is custom build to give you everything you need in a matter of seconds. You can find our complete UI package that includes our revolutionary new addon right now at Skill-Capped.com. We’re offering a discount link when signing up, which includes a money back guarantee. If you don’t gain at least 400 rating while actively using our website, we will offer a full refund.